What scares you ?

To be aware of it is the scariest thing in the universe --- If it exists outside our perception.  Awareness that we are nothing compared to the size of the universe and our time of existence in this universe is less than the blink of a cosmic eye. Awareness that our senses are drastically limited to perceive the true nature of the universe. Awareness that any amount of scientific knowledge won’t be enough for us to differentiate if the universe is subjective or objective, that we're pre-programmed or we have a free will, that we are created or are we the  result of some random events (or experiment). For me this is my broad view.  At a more personal level what scares you.

Parents Reply
  • I knew Derwent Res was used to practise for the Dambusters. I didn't know Chesil beach was used as a practise bouncing bomb range in WW2. Probably because I had never heard of it till you mentioned it.... So did a bit of reading.

    I'm not going to go reading about Fred and Rose though!
