Govt making further benefits cuts

Are members aware of this recent development? The article is behind the FT paywall ( I subscribe) and I can only post one image at a time here so I’ll put key screenshots in comments below. The unions are challenging it of course but given the hostility of a large proportion of voters to disabled people plus the government’s genuine need to either reduce spending or increase taxes the outlook isn’t good for those on benefits. 

  • I’m so sorry to read this Sparkly, but sadly not surprised, I have friends who have experienced similar treatment to you and it is devastating. You are right of course that the emphasis is on work rather than health, this is wrong but inevitable given that the majority voted the Tories in on this very premis. 

  • I'm unable to read the full FT article Cloud Factory, but I remember hearing on the news a few months ago (after the Spring Budget) about a White Paper relating to disability benefits and assessments. My understanding back then was that it would be rolled out gradually.

    Approximately 12 months ago, my UC work coach advised me to request a Work Capability Assessment. This was because I had been referred to DWP Work & Health Programme, and came close to having a breakdown. The impression given was that it was tailored to the individual, but what I experienced in reality was different. From my perspective, I felt like I was being expected to sprint before I'd learned to walk, with the emphasis seeming to be more on work than health.

  • Just another cynical ploy by the Government.

    Apparently the best way of supporting disabled people is this?

    They should be tackling the problems in the NHS which is costing lives...... :—/ 

  • You are right, he wouldn’t, he is as driven by power as the Tories. 

  • My understanding is that the government, and indeed all politicians of all shades (with a tiny few historical exceptions such as Tony Benn and Jeremy Corbyn) are solely motivated by power and it’s use. To get into this position they need to be and remain elected so almost all their policies are geared to secure the majority vote. And unfortunately the majority of voters in the UK are prejudiced xenophobes so politicians inevitably design policies to this group, BREXIT being the prime example. Sadly this also applies to attitudes to disabled people and those on benefits, I live in what superficially is a traditional northern socialist town but the hideous language I hear used to judge minority groups is little short of core white-right nastiness. It’s all terribly sad but unfortunately a reflection of the evolved human condition. 

  • I fear you may be right.. 

    That's a sorrowful thought.. Unamused

  • It’s already happening, it’s just that the nation is compartmentalised, so no one can see the fruits of their disunity..

  • Jam tarts, perhaps..

  • Heathens. You should take a look at ‘Jeremiah’s Lamentations’, spoilers ‘the corrupted-wise end up being destroyed’, as their sins are beyond the scope of punishment, because they don’t even accept punishment.. this is part of a the social cycle unfortunately..

    Sorry for the biblical analogies, they do state the situation rather-accurately though, the summary is that you shouldn’t do ‘it’ because the heathens are doing it, but even after they’re destroyed you still have to suffer under Nebuchadnezzar to recover the right focus..Sweat smile

  • We thought we could change the World; our Schools and Unis lied to us.

  • That’s the point, the ground has been cursed for our sake, we partook of the apple of knowledge, the thorn and the briars have been have put before us, so that we may be wise before we rise..

    Thats all a bit biblical but you get the point, people have a habit of falling when they leave the ground, so it’s best to just let them have at it, you don’t one of them land on you..Sweat smile

    There’s more to life than grappling with heathens..

  • The Americans who armed the Ra to the teeth expect their own Citizens to give up their Guns.

    But then, the USSA was never transparent; aside from Trump.

  • Aren't you closer to the devil if you're nearing the ground? God's above us Grin

  • Hmm..

    Tangential to what you've said, but - the thing about having a large proportion of the population who can effectively use a weapon and are trained in combat is it can keep government in check. 

    Witness post-war Britain... 

  • Well that sucksConfused 

    Sad that the government do things like this. If they were disabled they would see how tough it is. It's always the innocent ones who suffer isn't it?

  • Slight smile

    Appreciate the Ironic Rejoinder.

    The Empire = the USSA!

  • He who is closer to the ground is closer to god..

  • I’d say the empire very-much agrees, it’s the little things that laid the foundation of empire, it was the common law that secured to base from which empire grew.. and the duty of each man individually to practice the English Bow..Thinking

  • Funny how these 'Think Tanks' follow the Progressive-Left line?

    People complain about benefit cuts, yet never about the 'Free Money' they receive; with every Stimulus. It's typical Media spin; followed by the Masses.

    Apparently, there are 'Sustainable' corn snacks containing extracts from crickets. Funny how that's never mentioned in a 'News' Site?

    It's just Wash, Rinse, Repeat; until Labour are in power, for good.