Govt making further benefits cuts

Are members aware of this recent development? The article is behind the FT paywall ( I subscribe) and I can only post one image at a time here so I’ll put key screenshots in comments below. The unions are challenging it of course but given the hostility of a large proportion of voters to disabled people plus the government’s genuine need to either reduce spending or increase taxes the outlook isn’t good for those on benefits. 

  • It's completely unsurprising as our current government are just monstrous and shouldn't be trusted to have a pet, let alone a country. Unfortunately it's not like we can count on Keir et al to roll back anything with where they stand on austerity and benefit cuts. 

  • I think, as somebody more involved with politics than I really want to be, that changes will have to be incremental, even if the Tories do lose the next GE. 

    They've done a lot of damage. 

    That's all I'll say.

  • They do, but you also need a goal in mind. Like "it's going to be a few years but this is the Britain we want". I just don't think Starmer has much of a vision beyond getting into power. If announcing benefit cuts to the most desperate would get more votes, I don't think he'd have a problem with it. 

  • You are right, he wouldn’t, he is as driven by power as the Tories. 

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