
I'm still trying to understand what burnout is because I feel like it manifests in different ways.

Currently, I'm in an IBD flare up. This comes after a busy summer, stress about work, parenting, and I'm about to move house (so have been selling ours, with all the difficulties that brings).

Mystified as how to cure my IBD flares I recently read a book by Temple Grandin who openly discusses her journey. The part that interested me was where she says she started taking an antidepressant and this put an end to her colitis flare ups.

So I was wondering, how does burnout manifest in you, has medication helped you, and do you think burnout is why I'm so sick again?

  • Thanks for sharing and well done for the steps you are taking, it's all too common in asd ey

  • Stress triggering cortisol

  • I have taken probiotic capsules (BioKult) for five or so years, I think it helps, but it hasn't cleared up the underlying problem.

  • Yeh inflammation is worse when ur stressed and stress will worsen ur health problems like depression and prolonged inflammation is known to increase chances of cardiovascular disease and even cancer. But its even been shown that some medicine and exercises like yoga do actually reduce inflammation cause they release certain hormones that many u feel calm and relaxed.

    I started yoga myself and drinking soothing tea and my tummy health is much improved and inflammation lessened. On days when I'm stressed like over college I feel inflammation flare up. I hope this helped u.

  • People with asd are more common to have inflammation. Don't know what the link is but it's there that's why we're more likely to have stuff like IBS 

  • Wow that is baffling that they all came up clear. Same thing happened with me. Maybe it’s down to bad bacteria in the gut rather than inflammation. Supposedly there is some connection between gut bacteria and autism. But don’t take my word for it it’s just what I read online. I’ve never had a test for bacteria in my gut so can’t really say but there might be something to it.

  • I've got Crohn's and it's not a lot of fun. I get frequent flare ups and they normally get triggered by stress, and that worsens the flare up, and if things get bad enough it's a few nights in hospital for me. Stress lowers your immune system so it's no surprise that it makes you feel ill.

    I've been unlucky enough once so far to get burnout, after my sister died, and that combined with my anxiety and my Crohn's was horrendous. I've never felt so ill and the exhaustion that came with it was debilitating.

  • I have IBS and diverticular disease. I had a horrible flare up a few months ago that lasted 6 weeks, the longest ever. I had a lot of left-sided colonic pain, and even a single rather heavy rectal bleed. At the end of the flare up, I went to the GPs, had 3 stool sample tests and many blood tests and everything came back as 'normal', not even a hint of intestinal inflammation. It's just baffling. I know that food intolerances feed into my gut problems and that these change and evolve over time. It's like I'm second guessing what my dumb immune system is doing, all the time.

  • I have problems with my tummy but got checked and don’t have colitis or inflammation or anything like that. I don’t know what causes it neither do the doctors. I take antidepressants for anxiety and they help numb me a bit which is good for me because I don’t cry anymore whereas before when I was not on antidepressants I was crying nearly everyday and hated life. They help smooth the edges for me. But they do not cure anxiety and I still get panic attacks despite being on a high dose. I’ve just got to live with it I guess. Hopefully your tummy problems get better. Antidepressants might help you. Maybe you should speak to your gp about it?

  • Thanks guys, that's helpful to know. Feels weird to need antidepressants to stop the panic that seems to trigger inflammation but I've tried so much go live without using medication and it's just not really happening

  • do you think burnout is why I'm so sick again?

    The stress makes your body release way more adrenaline than normal which can suppress the immune system, and in conjunction to the poor diet that often accompanies this (ie no energy to shop/cook and comfort eating or simply not eating) then the body becomes excessively tired and prone to flare up of pre-existing conditions and new infections / viruses.

    For me burnout manifests as mental "fuzziness" due to my brain trying to do too much and never finishing any thoughts, constant tension in my body with an irritable nature - cannot rest and everything hurts.

  • Burnout starts as a feeling of unwell for me and feelings of tiredness. If I don't de-stress and rest then it becomes burnout where I become crippled and can't do anything. Muscles ache, feel exhausted... It's like I'm zapped of everything.

    and do you think burnout is why I'm so sick again?

    Oh yes, for definite. It can make you very unwell.