
I'm still trying to understand what burnout is because I feel like it manifests in different ways.

Currently, I'm in an IBD flare up. This comes after a busy summer, stress about work, parenting, and I'm about to move house (so have been selling ours, with all the difficulties that brings).

Mystified as how to cure my IBD flares I recently read a book by Temple Grandin who openly discusses her journey. The part that interested me was where she says she started taking an antidepressant and this put an end to her colitis flare ups.

So I was wondering, how does burnout manifest in you, has medication helped you, and do you think burnout is why I'm so sick again?

  • Burnout starts as a feeling of unwell for me and feelings of tiredness. If I don't de-stress and rest then it becomes burnout where I become crippled and can't do anything. Muscles ache, feel exhausted... It's like I'm zapped of everything.

    and do you think burnout is why I'm so sick again?

    Oh yes, for definite. It can make you very unwell. 

  • Burnout starts as a feeling of unwell for me and feelings of tiredness. If I don't de-stress and rest then it becomes burnout where I become crippled and can't do anything. Muscles ache, feel exhausted... It's like I'm zapped of everything.

    and do you think burnout is why I'm so sick again?

    Oh yes, for definite. It can make you very unwell. 

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