Happy Autistic Pride Day!

Hello fellow autistic people! Today is the day (among every other day) to celebrate your autistic identity!

How will you celebrate? Are you proud to be autistic? If so, why?

 I am definitely proud to be autistic for numerous reasons but I shall list my top 3:

  1. I love the intensity with which I feel everything, it makes me a very passionate person.
  2. I love the way I make people laugh with my honesty and literal thinking.
  3.  I love the fact that being autistic means I belong to this Ausome Autistic community!
  • Well I'm actively participating in doing my bit for improving autistic rights protections and living conditions as are others, if you aren't or don't feel like you are then that's fine, but I don't think those that do not and choose not to have any basis to pooh pooh the efforts of those that do and choose to.
    If it's not for you then you can always just leave it alone for those who it is for, nobody is going to force you to participate.

  • I feel, and this is purely personal, that pride in accidents is a fundamentally neurotypical thing. The way people are proud of the country they were, entirely accidentally, born in. Or how people identify with sports teams and say 'we', as in 'we won the cup!", well no you didn't, you just watched other people win a trophy. What they are talking about is not 'we', but something entirely separate from them, largely made up corporate entities reliant on hideously overpaid people who are good at kicking a ball around - a puerile pastime if there ever was one. I have nothing against most autistic advocates and what they have achieved for the community, I just balk at the concept of pride in anything that is not an achievement that the person being proud has not actively participated in.

  • I dunno Martin, I think the autistic community has done very well so far in fighting to increase and protect our basic human rights as autistic people, even if we still have far to go before we obtain true equal treatment and the end of ableism and anti-autistic prejudice. For example, things like how we aren't just carted off to Bedlam and other assylums to be forgotten about by society like we used to be is it's own kind of acheivement imo.

  • Could you provide some evidence of what you say here please.
    Again, if you want to apologies for the abusive insinuation, maybe we can have an sensible discussion, but if your position is nothing more than, "agree with me or your a bigot" ... you are not someone open to reason.

    You are moving the goal posts by false accusation to dodge the responsibility of backing up your claims, Debbie was perfectly polite when she pointed out the burden of proof to you, if you don't have proof just admit it then there is "no harm no foul" you expended so much energy dodging a reasonable request when you could have just provided proof. There is no need to double down being nasty trying to gaslight her about her intentions, falsely claiming someone is being abusive when they are actually being quite reasonable, ironically, is actually abusive.
    Also this isn't the first time you have said something hateful to derail someone elses thread and done this verbal dance, so it's not like you can hide your intent through double speak with those of us who were there and remember it.
    Change starts with you, if you don't like people being "divisive" then you should work on being less divisive yourself. Our words are not unkind simply because you dislike what we have to say.

  • I am so glad you are proud to be autistic too! That’s great for you!  

    Do you attend Autistic Pride events?

  • I'm happy to have a day when the normies get to hear and learn about autism and see that it exists in reality in many ways other than the stereotype that they know about in media. I don't care about how to name it, pride , respect or dignity what matters is raising the awareness. I think this day is more important for non autistic people to have it than it is for autistic ones. Happy pride day!

  • I think pride should be reserved for things we have done, not innate qualities. I have an ability in visual art, my father also had the same, so I inherited it. I am not proud of this, it is just a part of me. However, when I produce a painting or drawing that looks close to what I intended and it works, then I am proud of it. 

    Likewise I inherited autism - mostly from my father, again - I am not proud of that, it is just part of me. My autism has given me a very precise eye for detail and an ability to hyper-focus. I have used these autism-derived qualities to proof-read many PhD theses. As a result people I know, including friends and my wife, have benefitted by having an easier time in gaining a research degree, which has led on to productive careers. I am proud of what my autism has enabled me to do to help others.

  • I'm proud to be autistic because it makes me unique and special Heart

  • I simply asked you to substantiate your comments.

    NO, that is not what you 'simply' asked, is it?

    Otherwise, it's you who is demonstrating hate, with no substantiation.

    IS IT?

    Again, if you want to apologies for the abusive insinuation, maybe we can have an sensible discussion, but if your position is nothing more than, "agree with me or your a bigot" ... you are not someone open to reason.

  • I do not submit to that form of social coercion and abuse
    you are simply going to make abusive false accusations ... this is how you can know you are in an abusive cult.

    I simply asked you to substantiate your comments.

    The above reaction looks like projection to me.

  • "i will celebrate all individuals for whoever they are, and celebrate our shared humanity."

    I notice you chose to omit that I wrote that...

    I understand the technique of "If anyone disagrees with me I will call them a bigot to silence them" is very effective, but I do not submit to that form of social coercion and abuse.

    If you want to have an argument on the merits of the points, great, but if you are simply going to make abusive false accusations ... this is how you can know you are in an abusive cult.

  • I'm sorry, but 'the movement' as it currently stands is explicitly intended to maximise division and hate. 
    the purpose of 'pride' as it is used by the left is to maximise division and create hatred.
    the socialists who are pushing it are doing so for EXACTLY the same reason as the 1930s german socialists.

    Could you provide some evidence of what you say here please.

    Otherwise, it's you who is demonstrating hate, with no substantiation.

  • I really can't take pride in being either autistic or gay. I just feel like I spend life just not wanting to live.

  • No, Autistic Pride Day can be recognised in whatever way you want. I think Martin interpreted the meaning of the word ‘Pride’ very literally. Classic autistic interpretation!

  • We don't dig the branding Dizzy face

  • The world is divided into people that divide people into groups and those that don't.  Paradox achieved.

  • I understand what you mean, that’s one interpretation of the word pride.

    You can signify today in whatever way you want- Autistic Pride Day is for every autistic person. You can recognise autistic identity in whatever way is meaningful for you.

  • Its sad that we cannot have a discussion on these issues as the spam filter has a hair-trigger.

  • Despite the movement their is still plenty of prejudice and bigotry around, sadly.

    I'm sorry, but 'the movement' as it currently stands is explicitly intended to maximise division and hate. 

    And yes, the socialists who are pushing it are doing so for EXACTLY the same reason as the 1930s german socialists.

    It is not about pride in yourself, which is one thing, but pride immutable characteristics ...  that is the very definition of exclusionary.

    So we end up where gay can be proud, but straights cannot, women can be proud, but men cannot, blacks can be proud, but whites cannot, arians can be proud but jews cannot .... and so on ... the purpose of 'pride' as it is used by the left is to maximise division and create hatred.

    i will celebrate all individuals for whoever they are, and celebrate our shared humanity, but I will NEVER fall into the deception that is 'pride' because I am not going to be the people in the crowd with their arms out-stretched .... I am the guy who sees this for what it is and my are will remain folded ... no matter the cost to me.

  • the pride mechanism is a tool to pick certain groups to be used by others in order to gain power. You were sold a lie by bad people.

    My last version of this has gone into the Spam filter, so here is another, shorter version.

    This is incorrect.

    Google 'Stonewall'.

    The Gay Pride movement comes from a time when it was illegal to be gay, as is still the case around the world.

    It is saying 'I'm proud, not ashamed'.

    It started the long, slow road towards (not there yet) being able to share your sexuality with people and not live a lie, afraid for your freedom and safety.

    Sadly, there are still plenty of prejudiced and bigotted people around, but the movement has helped awareness and acceptance.