How are you repetitive?

I'm repetitive in the following ways

I wear the same clothes (bought extra of everything).

I wash my hands every ten minutes, to the dot. Never a minute early never a minute late. Started this at school.

I can watch the same film over and over. I know most of the lines, know what's coming but I never get tired of it.

Listen to the same songs and singers every day, usually in the same order.

Read the same books over and over.

Eat the same foods and drink the same drinks.

When I go for a walk I always go the same way each time. Prefer to follow route that I'm familiar with.

  • If I copied and pasted the above into a new reply would that be hilarious or just annoying?

    It's the second one isn't it?

  • Repetitive thoughts can be good and bad. Normally bad because they are depressing, anxiety related. Sometimes good though, depends how I am feeling.

  • I had forgotten about repetitive thoughts, just sooo used to them I suppose. They are added to my list. Thanks for the reminder! I try to do mindfulness to but find it really hard going

  • Repetitive thoughts which are quite often, not worry. They drive me mad due to the intensity. I accept it but this doesnt make it easier. Sometimes i would like to just give my head a break. Mindfulness helps a bit....I get that its a matter of attention but when it's going full pelt nothing will shift it. My mind feels full to bursting most of the time.

  • I eat the same foods every day, with some variation in portion sizes to account for variations in hunger and activity. This is the most positive change I've ever made in my life, as it means my digestive system now functions predictably enough that I can do some things out of the house without having to take medication in advance. It also makes shopping and planning very easy. I feel like I have more life to enjoy now I've solved the puzzle of how to fuel my body.

    I have just one album on my phone which I listen to every day. I originally intended to add more, but have never gotten around to it in the 15 months I've had the phone.

    I prefer to get my social needs met by groups that meet at the same time every week to do a certain activity, rather than meeting friends on an adhoc basis, which feels chaotic and stressful.

    I have to go for a run every day or my mental health falls apart. I don't always use the same route, but I have seasonal favourites. It is satisfying to know from experience that I'm on the optimally pretty route for the time of year.

    I deliberately choose repetitive jobs from the freelance platforms I work on, mostly for reasons of efficiency (I work faster on projects I'm familiar with and therefore earn more per hour).

    I enjoy playing computer games but will play the same one for several years before moving onto something new, so have no idea what is currently popular.

  • My skin is very dry and sometimes hands are red and sore. I'll try and pick up a good hand cleaner, preferably one that doesn't smell as smells can be overwhelming for me.

    Your work sounded interesting. Did you work in a hospital lab? I always fancied doing that, or being an ambulance call handler but sadly hasn't happened yet. 

  • Ah yes that is a very valid point! Again when the anxiety is especially bad, the second-guessing goes through the roof. Not a great way to start the day. 

  • Washing up liquids are fairly aggressive, as detergents go, they are designed to clean greasy plates and pans, so they will strip the natural oils from your skin. This could leave the skin on your hands very dry, and dry skin is more prone to irritation and infection. I would recommend a liquid soap designed for sensitive skin, which will not be as aggressive or drying. Working in the lab, the combination of using examination gloves and frequent washing led to repeated rashes on the back of my hands. In the end, I started wearing cotton liners underneath the gloves and that helped.

    After I took early retirement, I noticed that I was missing the natural levels of exercise I got from moving around at work, so I introduced my mini exercise regime. It helps keep the weight off too.

  • All sorts of ways. 
    I can definitely relate to that always taking the same routes, even when ostensibly more sensible options are suggested. 
    I have unbroken monthly rituals for three decades now about my magazine subscription and getting it on the day it comes out from my newsagent. (They hold it for me)

    I found a job/post that is unendingly repetitive and detail orientated and I never want to do anything else for the rest of my career. 
    I have a limited wardrobe of a few things in solid rotation. That one might be more Lack of confidence though. I’m so bad at choosing clothes and then if a chance comment of any kind (positive or negative) is made when I wear something I know it’s insufficiently inconspicuous so I get rid of it and end up with about three ‘safe’ ensembles that keep going until they get threadbare.
    i have my podcast and audiobook rituals every day and also go back to classic favourite telly rather than watch the newest ‘must see’ 

    Lots of other ways too. endless cups of tea! Similar meals week to week. 

  • I hope that you are using very gentle soap, with a skin moisturiser. I used to work in biological sterile cabinets a lot, so was changing latex/nitrile gloves and washing my hands quite often, and it can lead to skin problems.

    I use fairy washing up liquid, is that bad or ok to use? 

    A dozen press ups? Wow go you. I think that would actually kill me lol XD

  • certain things I like repetition of, most certainly food although I have a varied diet I will rotate through the same meals and like to have meals and drinks at scheduled times, I get anxious if not.

    I like watching the same films and TV series over and over and never tire of them.

    I have my favourite things that I like to wear and 99 days out of 100 I wear jeans Laughing.

    I prefer to go to place that I know well and will take established routes.

    I suppose some of this is to do with routine rather than strict adherence to repetition, but repetition definitely makes me feel more relaxed

  • Once I find an item of clothing comfortable that's it, it must be that same make and model/brand and type or a similar enough variant of that one for the next 5-10 years. But that's because sensory is my huge thing. Other than that you'll find repetition in my stims, and not much else because the +ADHD opens me up to a wider degree of variety seeking than someone who is just autistic.

  • Same clothes, food, music, tv shows and movies.

  • I often reach the end of my street and have to go back to check that I did indeed lock the front door.

  • While I do not like change, I am not wedded to repetition to any great extent. I'm more on the 'or restrictive interests' side of the diagnostic criteria. Having said that, I start each day with a dozen press-ups followed by 20 minutes on my cross trainer. I feel guilty if I don't get the exercise out of the way first thing. 

    I hope that you are using very gentle soap, with a skin moisturiser. I used to work in biological sterile cabinets a lot, so was changing latex/nitrile gloves and washing my hands quite often, and it can lead to skin problems.

  • Always check ‘keys phone purse’ whenever I leave the house. I know when I’m especially anxious because then I do it more often. 

  • I'm wondering if it's about repetitiveness or maybe just simply doing or picking the things that I have decided that I like after a long search and once I found that specific thing that suits me well, why would I change it??!. 

    I have a humble wardrobe compared to women my age. Most my clothes are few years old. I shop in the same shops as long as they have my chosen products. I pick the same products, wether it's clothes, food or something else. I simply know that this suits me the best or tastes the best so why to change?! Is this repetitiveness?.

    I go to the same doctors as long as I can still trust them. I have like 20 recipes that I rotate between, it's not that I don't like other recipes, it's just easier to make what I already know how to make and to reuse the same shopping list. I have times when I like to have a very nice dinner kind of evening tho where I cook fancier more complicated dishes, but those don't happen often.

    I don't repeat shows often but I can watch Rupaul dragrace on repeat again and again. I just don't do that often. I have periods of time when this happens and then I stop and start watching other things like anime or documentaries.

    I don't repeat books. Reading isn't easy for me, it takes out some of my mental energy, so I look for reads that's going to add something new to me. As teach me something or help me grow.

    I repeat my music, specially The XX albums. I listen to this awfully often. I have few playlists that I listen to on repeat depending on the mood. I do like finding new music too tho. I enjoy discovering hidden Indie gems.

    I have spring ritual which is going to a specific blossoming field in Prague. It's just beautiful. I go there every April.

  • I used to be the same with shops but I do online shopping now as my anxiety got so bad I can't go in to shops now without panic attacks and meltdown/shutdown.

  • Hello

    I read things three times,

    Make sure have plenty of time making a journey 

    Have my morning black coffee and water.

    Like to go to the same shops which familiar with.