Positive Sides of Autism - Your Thoughts

Hi All!

I'm genuinely curious to hear what you think is the positive side of your diagnoses of Autism (or ADHD; or Autism and ADHD together). There's a lot of difficulties online but I'm also really fascinated by how differently we can see the world and the benefits of that. 

Here's a couple of examples from me!

I don't get socially awkward very easily when there is clear justification for my actions. As an example, if my partner and I go out to eat and they receive food that they didn't order or doesn't match up to what they ordered (it could be they ordered crispy pizza with pepper and the dough isn't crispy and there are onions instead) they would feel awkward about bringing it to the attention of the server whereas I feel very, very comfortable with doing this (politely of course). The chef has broken the rules, this is not what we paid for and ordered, therefore they should rectify it and we have nothing to be worried about - therefore I don't worry. This also spreads to other social situations too. 

I'm also very, very good at making quick connections between things and solving problems. I intuitively seem to find the relationship between things or find answers for problems. As a silly example, we needed to buy a new frying pan online that was the same size as our old one. However, we couldn't find our ruler or tape measure to check the actual measurements. But, I did have a lined A4 notebook. I looked up the standard sizes for the line spacings of the notebook and used the lines to the measure the frying pan which then gave me a very close approximation of the size. This took me mere seconds to come up with. 

Please let me know yours! Slight smile

  • I am a realist. There a none.

  • Well I can answer that for you.  I've been on this planet for more than half a century, and within that time here, I have seen good people struck down and afflicted by some truly dark and terminal difficulties.  Motor Neuron Disease, Strokes, Dementia, Terrible bodily mutilations, cancer and cruel, cruel deaths.

    Somehow, even in the darkest moments, people living these challenges find positives to keep some light in their worlds and some hope and serenity in their hearts.

    I can completely understand and identify with your sense of hopeless darkness........but I'm just saying that there are ALWAYS positives if you choose to look for them rather than just being sad about something inescapable.

    Just to be clear mate....I am most certainly NOT known for a joyous, happy and sunny disposition....I ain't one of those endlessly happy and positive people - FAR, FAR from that !

    I just try to keep feelings and thoughts in the right context...and I'm grateful when other people help me do that when I need it.

    If you want to start feeling better, start looking for those positives.....you will find some!

    Honest and genuine best wishes.


  • But there isn't any positives to it, at all. I don't get this positive thinking attitude over something a cruel infliction.

  • Nope - that's just too bleak !

    There are always positives to be found no matter how bleak a situation is.......or if you are feeling as nihilistic as I do sometimes.....it's always safe to say that "it could be worse!"

    Keep going Soul, you're worth it.  We are all here for each other when it's tough.

  • I am sorry you feel like this. We are here for you Smile

  • There are no positives. It's a complete nightmare.

  • Congratulations on your engagement! Good to know we're not the only couple juggling with these issues.

  • Hi Taki London, thank you for sharing! It's always good when you get paid for one of your strengths so I'm glad you've found a way to utilise that. 

  • Hi Trisha, thank you for sharing! I agree that being here and learning from everyone is such a positive. I'm sure you've got loads of other skills you haven't discovered yet too. 

  • Hi Jamie, thank you for sharing! That's interesting - what type of letters do you write? 

  • Hi Kitty, thank you for sharing!

    I love your perspective on info-dumping! I do the same thing and I think it's really nice to be able to provide people with lots of useful information if they need it. I know my younger sister benefitted from it when she went off to Uni for the first time as she didn't have a clue. 

  • Hi NAS73180! Thanks for sharing!

    I get the literal understanding and hyperfocus too. The literal understanding is really good for working with policies as they need to be unambiguous and exact. 

  • Thank you for sharing! I'm engaged too and honestly I've tried to get into planning and just got completely overwhelmed (it doesn't help that we've had various other things happen too to add to the stress as well) so I understand why you would be feeling stressed right now. I'm so glad you've got so far in your preparations and wish you the best for the day! 

    My partner is in the process of a referral for ADHD and we also have are similarly opposite with alexithymia. Though their ADHD does clash sometimes with some of my traits which can made confrontation difficult, I haven't seen how that will play out now that we are both more aware. It is going to be interesting for sure. 

  • Joining the dots...  That's what people pay me to do. 

  • The only positive thing I can think of is getting to be here with every one

    I've learn so much from everyone it makes me a better person

  • Creativity is a big one for me also. My creativity comes out in writing letters to people mainly these days 

  • Hello. I see a lot of positives. 

    Remaining childlike even though I'm 27.

    Very honest. 

    Can obsess over my favourite things and never get bored.

    Love repetition. 

    Love of vintage things, I have records, old dolls, old clothes which I wear, including evening gowns and gloves. I must look like a woman from the 30s at times but I love it!

    Photographic memory. 

    Can remember smells. 


    Brill eye for detail. 

    Seeing small little things that most people would miss. 

    Hyper focus. 

    Non judging. I'm very easy going and understanding according to most people. 

  • It definitely is going to be worth it ten times over! Thank you for your good wishes!

  • No it doesn't.  Some of us defo feel as you have explained.

  • I’m on time: I take schedules literally. 

    Literal understanding also means I search for precision in communication.  

    Unusual focus: I zone in on certain tasks at work and they tend to show the benefits of my hyperfocus.