What happens in an adult autism assessment

Hi am waiting for my assessment and am very nervous. Can anyone tell me the sort of things they were asked so I know what to expect. I am doing it via the NHS, thank you so much :)

  • Part 1 of mine was about 60 mins talking to a psychologist via zoom - she asked me numerous questions and developed further questions from my answers. Some of her questions were likely informed by the information I'd given my GP beforehand.

    Part 2 with a follow-up with a psychiatrist, and he spent about 60 mins via zoom asking me more detailed questions based on the report from the psychologist he'd received, plus supplementary questions as the session developed.

    Relatively painless overall, except for some revisiting ASD based trauma I'd faced over many decades.

    At the end he confirmed the diagnosis.

  • My 3 hour assessment was through the NHS and Clinical Partners but it didn't last the 3 hours. After I was asked if I played Mummies and Daddies, Did I play with toys , would I share a packet of biscuits . I showed the interviewer my guitar and I explained how I designed it and had it made . I made a comment that I don't hear music and sound , I feel it like texture . That is when she said I can give you a diagnosis of Autism . The interview lasted maybe 20 minutes. The results of your interviews are discussed by a panel and then a decision is made . Maybe I thought I was being clever all these years at hiding my 'Weirdness' It appears I have failed and my Autistic traits and behaviour are too obvious. But I don't care anymore I am me and will always be . 

  • 3 hours is a long time…..

  • You did sorry just wondered if it is different for everyone 

  • The first interview was for an hour  - it was general questions about your day to day life , explaining different emotions - fear , sadness , happiness . There were two exercises too where you had to gather 5 objects and create a story using them ( Which I couldn't ) the second exercise was being shown pictures from a children's book with no text and explain what you feel is happening in each image ( Which I couldn't ) 

    The second interview was 3 hours. This was about me as a child. I was asked if I played Mummies and Daddies, Did I play with toys , would I share a packet of biscuits . 

    That was all I was asked in that Interview I was diagnosed with ASD . The First Interview was with a Psychologist and the second was with a Psychiatrist.

  • I already told you what happens.

  • I can't make comment about a face to face assessment because my assessment was a Zoom session online which was very straight forward. They needed to see my body for any stimming indicators during the interview.  They asked many questions and tested my mechanical dexterity by requesting manipulation of a table tennis ball and a few other small items I can't recall. They also asked me to build a story after being given some basic scenario.  I don't know if there is a standard proceedure for this type of assessment, but I don't think you should concern yourself or worry over that.