Describe your very unique interest/passion

Please share your interest to me through these questions. Feel free to answer as you wish but use the questions as a guide please.

  1. What is your biggest passion in life and-/or biggest interest?
  2. At what age did it come to you?
  3. How much time do you spend daily on it, and how?
  4. Has it evolved into other subtopics?
  5. How far have you come in achieving your positing in your passion?

  • I am interested in business, now construction investing, also real estate, stocks but mostly just to open a company.
  • It came to me at age 18 and have now during 8 years grown steady and with more power throught the years. 
  • I spend around 1 hour atleast, sometimes i just think about my future life and really seem to be living in my mind.
  • I´ve also interests in subtopics like leadership, personal growth, reading books ect.
  • Still not achieved my vision but atleast, I´ve read, found a passion and soon to start college, but I haven´t found a good company to open yet.

Now, I am definitely more interested in your interests than mine but wanted to share my own as a warmup. 

I am so happy to read what passion you have in your life, how it came to you and how it reveals itself.


  • I think that the world is better without empires.  However the larger countries can still control the smaller ones through subtler means in todays world.

  • Such a hopefull response trule, I honor you for being an inspiring earhliving.

    You have come far, your response is like a bottle of energy which I can always drink from to get inspiration, to get energy, hope, courage to follow my path. 

  • Do you think life would have been better if those empires never existed? The brittish empire have indeed caused a lot of problems for other humans. "The Nazy empire (Hitler)", "The califat (Islamic State)"

    Empires might have caused both death and life, I would love to know more how society would have been without them or with more of them. There is a lot to research about your topic. 

    How empires have affected the world around it.

  • I don't know what to make of the whole debate around Anti- Depressants. They've never worked for me so i probably have a cognitive bias towards the school that say Depression has societal or environmental causes.

  • Poe is grand.  I have one of his ghost stories  that was compiled in a collection of ghost stories.  The comic Dave Allen was the compiler.

  • Yes, he did- and the neuroscientist Dean Burnett did something similar for another of Hari's books in the same paper. He's another good science communicator, actually- very funny and accessible.

  • Awesome interest

    Edgar Allen Poe created Science Fiction, have you heard of him?

  • Former Member  I see you both have interest in politics, can you teach me something about it? 

    I have interest in business but I think Elon Musk is doing a great job with SpaceX and Tesla, that Bill Gates helps a lot of people using computers, which is good. On the opposite, I think these smartphones are becoming way to popular, even dominating in the world. 

    What is your utopi? Like your dream society? How can politics work to make it reality? 

    Write as long as you have words please. 

  • I remember that Goldacre column.  He wrote a piece criticizing one of Johann Hari's books.

  • Music is on of my interests too. I'm a collector of records, CD's and Books and have an Aladdin's cave full of stuff.

  • The early years of the Reagan presidency.  I have a feeling you are American for some reason? Most likely because you have written on here that you are.

  • I imagine if i didn't have Autism that i would still have the interest but i would probably be more able to survive in the world and would be a local councillor.  I wouldn't have the forensic knowledge that i have now.  I think my high IQ is related to my Autism somehow.  My interest and focus on that interest would not as be as intense as it is now.  I think it's also possible that my views would be more moderate without my Autism.

  • One of mine is science communication. I first got into it while I was at university, after seeing a talk given by an academic who spoke about the relative risks of recreational drugs versus various sports. There was also the Bad Science column by Dr Ben Goldacre in the Guardian at the time.

    I actually got into the field myself to some extent, as I started working in a healthcare-related industry and ended up working as a medical writer. The things I write are technical reports rather than news articles or anything fun, but they do need to be seen and understood by people outside the field, so being able to explain scientific concepts to anybody at all is still really important. I actually did a part-time Masters degree in science communication which I finished in 2018.

    Of course since it's work now there are lots of other tasks to do, so I don't end up writing for the whole time I'm contracted to work. I do get some time every weekday to do it though, usually in the afternoons. On top of that, I like watching science documentaries and listening to podcasts because I really enjoy other people's sci-comms work. Some of my favourite science communicators are Hank Green, Brian Cox, and Sydnee McElroy.

  • Absolutely no idea what language they are singing in......but what a beautiful track to start my Saturday morning.  Thanks Shard.  I wasn't a fan of them in the day, but I will give them another whirl on the strength of that ethereal beauty.  And btw, sorry for spelling his name wrong (the one with the famous gloves) he was Thomas Bayker.

  • 1 What is your biggest passion in life and-/or biggest interest?

    Doctor Who and all things music.

    2 At what age did it come to you?

    I watched Doctor Who in 2011 when I was 13, Matt Smith was the Doctor then and I was hooked fun the get go.

    With music, I was addicted from a very young age, sang and danced before I really could lol. Started playing the piano at 7, and now sing for a living, not at the big time but doing well all the same.

    3 How much time do you spend daily on it, and how?

    Doctor Who I never stop! Always talking about it and watching episodes, extras or interviews. I collect a lot of the memorabilia as well.

    With the music I sing every day, write songs, listen to other people's music...

    4 Has it evolved into other subtopics?

    Oh yes! For sure it has!

    4 How far have you come in achieving your positing in your passion?

    Very far. My music is going very well, my voice training is working a treat... I've managed to meet three of the living Doctors in real life.


  • You are amongst friends Grinning 

    One of my interests and passions is also Doctor Who.

  • I wouldn't call politics a special interest of mine, more a necessity to understand. After graduating in 1981 and ending up jobless, the hostility I encountered from certain quarters was like acid being thrown in my face. I wanted to know what that was all about, as apart from psychologically being very difficult to deal with, it also made me very angry. Ultimately it polarised things between my mother and myself for good. 

    I became an activist too, but also found I did not necessarily like everything I found on the other side either. Things can become very split and polarised, with either-or tunnel vision. Nowadays the parameters have changed again. 

    But I think it's important to understand the dynamics of ideologies and what drives these, to know what we are up against really. 

  • Your explanation was excellent, of course everyone has their own reasons for having a interest. In that way autistic people are quite the same as non-autistic people.

    Then what exactly is the difference in having a interest between autistic and non autistic?

    Therefore, I would like to ask you a question Former Member

    Imagine if you didn´t have autism, would you still have the same interest? If you answer yes, would it be as intense as it is with autism? If you answer no, why not?

    I am very curious about this topic to say. 

  • History is just great. There's so much to learn.  Thankyou for your very interesting response Martin.

  • Excellent precis of the era for people (like me) who know little of it.  Thank you.