Describe your very unique interest/passion

Please share your interest to me through these questions. Feel free to answer as you wish but use the questions as a guide please.

  1. What is your biggest passion in life and-/or biggest interest?
  2. At what age did it come to you?
  3. How much time do you spend daily on it, and how?
  4. Has it evolved into other subtopics?
  5. How far have you come in achieving your positing in your passion?

  • I am interested in business, now construction investing, also real estate, stocks but mostly just to open a company.
  • It came to me at age 18 and have now during 8 years grown steady and with more power throught the years. 
  • I spend around 1 hour atleast, sometimes i just think about my future life and really seem to be living in my mind.
  • I´ve also interests in subtopics like leadership, personal growth, reading books ect.
  • Still not achieved my vision but atleast, I´ve read, found a passion and soon to start college, but I haven´t found a good company to open yet.

Now, I am definitely more interested in your interests than mine but wanted to share my own as a warmup. 

I am so happy to read what passion you have in your life, how it came to you and how it reveals itself.


  • It is a period of fight-back by the Empire from a nadir of military defeats and the loss of territory to the Normans in southern Italy, the Hungarians in the western Balkans, and, worst of all, the loss of Anatolia to the Seljuk Turks. It was also dominated by relations with Western Europe, particularly through interactions with the Crusades. The period was overseen by three generations of exceptionally talented rulers, Alexios I, John II and Manuel I of the Komnenos dynasty. It is also quite well covered by contemporary histories written by well-placed witnesses: Anna Komnene (daughter of Alexios I), her husband Nikephoros Bryennios, John Kinnamos (probably a military secretary of Manuel I) and Niketas Choniates (a prominent bureaucrat). Therefore, there is quite a considerable amount of historical detail available.

  • I have a load of big interests but I'll select just one (it's not very intellectual though!):

    1. What is your biggest passion in life and-/or biggest interest?

    Rock music.

    2. At what age did it come to you?

    About 12 or 13 years old in the early 1970s.

    3. How much time do you spend daily on it, and how?

    I spend up to an hour a day. I watch/listen to YouTube videos or watch TV documentaries or concerts. Every night I make dinner while playing my favourite songs and singing along (badly!)

    4. Has it evolved into other subtopics?

    As the music evolved, I got into heavy metal. However, I do also like 1980s New Romantics and electronic music.

    5. How far have you come in achieving your positing in your passion?

    I have an extensive music collection (primarily CDs, DVDs, books, magazines, concert programmes, photos, autographs). Living in London since 1990, I have seen nearly all of my favourite bands live in concert. I can be seen in a few concert DVDs. I even got a mention from a singer that was recorded on the live CD and DVD. I've met a lot of my favourite rock musicians who I admired as a teenager. I've gone way beyond my dreams as a music-loving teen in small town America. 


    what do you mean I spelled it wrong? 

  • What interests you about that specific period of the Byzantine Empire?

  • I think that it would be essentially impossible to have a unique interest, what ever the subject there is bound to be at least one other person in the world with the same fixation. My obscure or unusual interests include: Napoleonic period cavalry, the Byzantine Empire in the Komnenian period (1080-1185), vintage and antique pocket watches, and their chains.

  • .......I really think you should try millinery and then I could try this Doctor What that many of us seem so interested in?

    Millinery and Mr Baker.

  • The deep reasons why someone is interested in politics run deep indeed.  I'm interested because of my own life experiences, my reading, my heightened levels of empathy and the interests of people of my social background  (including my own family)

    Thankyou for your well wishes regarding my health.  I wish you well also. Slight smile

  • Mines definitely not unique - loads of Doctor Who fans on here, makes sense that there would be! It never felt like that growing up though, very much a solitary thing and lone carrier of the flame during the ‘wilderness years’ among everyone I knew. 

  • Really cool to hear from you, nice to hear about your interest in politics. Former Member

    Do you know why you have this really awesome interest?  Is it that you have a bigger picture of how the society should be ruled, how people should live or do you see something that I can´t see in politics? 

    What is the mission of an activist? I think about someone who does something for a bigger purpose and I love it.

    Feel free to talk about anything from your interest, I am not very good as an emotional supporter but I must say that I hope you will get better from your illness. 

    I love business and in politics I think corporations are really good for the societies. 

  • 1. Democratic Socialism

    2. I think at about 16 or 17 i realized Tony Blair wasn't all that and that there were better ideas to the Left of him.

    3.  I am not an activist ,like i once was ,as these days i am dealing with illness both mental and regular.  And also my Autism seems to be affecting me more with age.

    4.  It's evolved into "wanting" to know about all aspects of politics and ideas. So i can know why i am in opposition to them

    5.. I still hold the ideas but will disagree with the collective ideas of my political tribe on occasion.