Bullies from the past.

Just interested if anyone else has met a person in adult life who bullied them at school.

My father ran a small coach business, the yard had an office and occasionally people would book a coach in person. One day I was on my own in the yard, I would have been about 35 then. One of the school bullies turned up to book a coach. He was one of the worst ones, anyway he greeted me like an old friend, it shocked me and I was like a rabbit in the headlights. He really was after ‘mates rates’,  I really didn’t know how to deal with him, had he forgotten or thought it was just a bit of fun, I couldn’t work it out, I started to wonder, did the years of abuse actually happen? But  they are too vivid, they did happen. Another thought was, he’s pushing me for a cheap price, is he trying to bully me again. I so wanted to ask him why he did it but couldn’t. My father luckily came back to the yard and dealt with his enquiry. 
Has anything similar happened to anyone else?

  • Sad, stupid, horrid little witches.  I am sorry for you, but strangely pleased for the rest of us!  What I mean is, we are all partly moulded by these sort of experiences....and we all really like you here.....so, the silver-lining is that they helped deliver you - to us.

    Too much of a stretch?

  • Sadly, yes, until they left school at 16, all 5 of them continued to bully me.

    It was the same group of girls throughout.

  • You bad ass!  I find it scary when I feel myself potentially start to loose my temper.....but sometimes (like your example) it can be useful for survival.  Did those particular bullies trouble you again after that episode?

  • That's horrible. I've only ever been beaten up once.

    I'm sorry that happened to you.

    I was often attacked by the female bullies but one instance really stands out.

    There was a group of them in the class coming up and thumping me on the back.

    The teacher was unable to control them.

    I lost my temper and basically threw a desk several feet across the classroom.

    The teacher ran out of the class crying.

  • I can't have reported any of your posts because I hadn't seen any in the last week because I have been on a working holiday, I've hardly seen anyone's posts and I have better things to do when I do get a moment to come on here than seek you out specifcally, and I do not have a crew. If you are going to be petty and make things up pls do it else where.

  • yeah all my posts are being reviewed by the mods and i am silenced too... but that was your doing, seems its only you and your crew that wants a world in which people you dont agree with are silenced and only your views are allowed lol

  • That's horrible. I've only ever been beaten up once. I was walking home from school aged about 15 and these boys from another school had singled me out as (I assume) a sectarian target. So, I'm about to turn the corner into my street and one of these chaps says to me 'Excuse me, have you got the time?' happy to oblige, I did the standard thing of lower my head, raise my wrist. And in that off-guard moment I was set upon, bundled across the street, and pummelled relentlessly. Thankfully the hedge I got thrown into was ludicrously overgrown (still is - I always give it a wee nod of thanks when passing)and it sort of absorbed me like Homer Simpson in that meme, shielding me from a worse battering. They scattered after about a minute. I never did mention it at home, not until many years later. It felt unseemly somehow. Not really sure why. You don't want an embarrassing fuss at that age especially I suppose.

  • i met a few.... its funny they are physically less attractive than me now and look weaker... they have all lost any physicality or muscle tone while i am more youthful and muscly than them now... it took me a year of work to surpass their achievements of 16 or so years of work... i guess i have the last laugh.

    theres one particular nasty one who always dealt drugs, he got arrested for stabbing someone and got out in a year despite the horrific injuries he caused this other guy. i saw him a year back and he looks like a mong, he saw me and crossed the road hoping i didnt recognise him as he looks a disgrace and if i looked in the mirror and saw that id wear a bag over my head lol anyway hes in jail again now for dealing drugs.

    the people that bullied me all prove themselves to be wrong, and the trash of society.

  • Not to me thankfully. I’m a lot stronger than I used to be and I don’t know if I’d be able to control my own actions. 

    my school life was hell. Partly because I didn’t know anyone properly because I was moved schools. Also because I was the “weirdo”. I remember one day I was flung into the lockers, it happened so fast, then surrounded by 3 larger boys, I withdrew into a small gap between the lockers (natural instinct was to hide away from my violent father). I can remember seeing a crowd of people along the corridor and there must have been 100 other pupils just watching, no one helped and everyone left after it was over. I ran through the quiet corridors distraught with not anger and anxiety. I didn’t know what to do or where to go. Afterwards, I consoled myself and returned to class. I met my friends later on a break only to be asked why I was there, I said hanging out with my friends, they said what friends we don’t see any friends here. I could’ve ran all the way home but decided to keep a stiff upper lip (a stupid term used by the British to say carried on regardless), I replied with ok whatever and walked off.

  • I take it that you made those names up to cover the real ones? Because if not, Billy Biggs sounds like he was himself the victim of something adjacent to nominative determinism - his hname sounds perfect for the role.

    To be serious though, that's a really heartwarming tale and restores a little faith in humanity

  • Ah that is interesting, but I don't recall seeing the name Akismet appear tbh, I only presumed it must be as it coincided with others posts going hidden. So unfortunately I don't know for sure that was what picked mine up.

  • Thanks Debbie, appreciate that upate

  • Snap.

    I posted the same information at the same moment as you.

  • Hi Shard......I tried to post a new discussion topic simply to inform all - but it disappeared after a few minutes.  All it said was - Askimet is not a member here, but a form of anti-spam software that is used here on the NAS forum.  I do wish the MODS would consider it appropriate to give us all a bit of an update.......although I should be be paranoid one in most groups, I think others here are becoming unnerved by this new flurry of "anti-something" that seems to have invaded this place since the new year.

  • 'Akismet' is the NAS software that's in place to collect spam.

    Here is the response to my email:

    'The issue is due to our spam filter. Periodically it seems to become sensitive and block any posts with links or sensitive words. We are working to allow any posts affected and thankyou for your patience with this matter.'

  • Mine is back, copious typos and all

  • so I hope something may be done about it.

    When I was required to communicate with the community manager about my "incident" I finished my email with this....

    "I trust you will ultimately be able to explain what is going on - I have learned that other users have recently experienced this sort of procedure/process with some of their threads?  A little reassurance from your good selves would be appreciated by all, I'm sure."

    I only received a very dry response.

  • Thanks for doing that Debbie, it isn't a pleasant thought thinking someone would wilfully come on here just to cause trouble but I suppose it must happen from time to time.

  • I doubt it but then I'm probably being cynical.

    Anyways, I've just emailed the Community Manager about this user, making it clear that several of us are having our posts targeted, so I hope something may be done about it.

    I'm finding it hard to care about much at the moment anyways, so it will be as it will be. 

    Sorry to hear this.

    I hope things pick up for you soon. x