Has anybody heard the news, the Americans have shot down a UFO over Alaska, apparently the size of a small car. 
I wonder if it’s Chinese or Extraterrestrial?

  • You are naive to assume a UFO is necessarily a 'friendly' when illegally entering the airspace of a sovereign nation with no attemp to identify itself.

    You are equally naive to place the whole population of Americans as somehow different from the majority of humanity.  Such small minded people are dangerous. Hitler was one of those.

  • -Said the blind man as he went over the edge...

    If it helps clarify matters, the Rainbow Lama gets moist because of the valerian.

  • 37-odd Trillion in debt. 

  • *topper mode on*

    That's nothing.. Today my O/H informed me that "The rainbow lama is already quite moist"...

    *topper mode off*

  • A hatstand floating above Alaska? An occasional table and matching chairs levitating near Canada? Is it a telekinesis experiment to see if household objects can be trundled about at cloud level?


  • I just wanted to say ‘trundled’. There’s not many chances to get that one in. 

  • The most confusing bbc article earlier had a general mention both that they could well be balloons but also definitely are not balloons. Within about two sentences. ‘there’s a reason we’re saying small objects, not balloons’. So what’s up there then? A hatstand floating above Alaska? An occasional table and matching chairs levitating near Canada? Is it a telekinesis experiment to see if household objects can be trundled about at cloud level? What?!  

  • In 2004 I took up researching UFO reports when I came to the conclusions that some of them fit my personal requirements for credibility, and that they indicated that a novel physics was available for the taking. 

    It took me down a 7 year rabbit hole during which I read a vast amount about potential novel propulsion techniques and learned a small amount of practical information, such that I was able to make things, do experiments and generally have a good time with bits of wire and high voltages.

    I've corresponded with many household names in the field over the years, most of whom have been very helpful & down to earth types. I've built up my own mental model of what is going on in this field certainly between the war years and the 1970's and how it works.

    I find it hard to believe that we can suddenly shoot them down with an AIM9x, it seems about as likely as it did  to me two years ago when it was suggested that we were able to develop a vaccine that works against the common cold, for much the same reasons.


    All the UFO reports I've read report great capabilities in terms of acceleration and direction changing ability, and all the previous attempts I've read of to shoot them down have ended in dismal failure. Reports are that the drive system used in normal use causes a reduction in the binding force of matter.

    Such that a popular UFO detector is basically two dissimilar materials under tension, with a needle arranged to move if either of them weakens. (From memory it's nylon and a steel spring) It is checked every day to see if you have had a UFO overfly your house...

    I mention this because I read one report where the pilot after engaging with a UFO, using missiles and guns literally had his aeroplane disintegrate around him. 

    Eventually, (it is alledged) the US government found that a certain radar frequency would cause some UFO's to crash by directly interfering with the field propulsion system they use. 

    Now although NONE of the above (except my own experimenting and results) do I know to be true, I have applied a filter to my information over the last few years..  As a conspiracy theorist I'm really good at spotting the most of the fakes quickly...

    But it should be noted, any real diligence I've applied to processing the information was focussed on the technology, not the secret meetings with strawberry ice cream loving ET.s in 1957, or the Ronald Reagan UFO briefing, or "serpo" exchange programme etc. except to enjoy them as lurid stories...  

    Based on what I've observed, it's more likely that this is an attempted distraction from the several big embarrassments the U.S. government has ongoing at this time, political sleight of hand as it were.

    Would be my guess.

    Unless "Project Blue Beam" is real, of course... ;c)

  • [NB.  In reality, I FULLY understand why......it just pisses me off that our world is that way these days.  You'd have hoped we could be capable of better.]

  • The "powers that be" will have filmed, photographed, probed, scanned, tracked and imaged these "objects" in considerable detail before blowing them out of the sky.

    I don't understand why they can't just say that, and then flash us either a concerned "everyone to the bunkers" concerned face, or a knowing "these pesky foreigners" wink.

    I don't understand why we, the people, cannot just be told.

  • How many more before they work out what they’re shooting down!

  • Now I have the music from 'Jeff Wayne's Musical version The War of The World's ' playing in my head. And I thank you Grin

  • I was following my SatNav and this happens! I trust they will reimburse me for my ship. It wasn't cheap! Stuck out tongue winking eye

    I bet it's man-made and not really alien. It would be fantastic if it was aliens though. I find it all very interesting. 

  • I honestly can't see how that would work!

  • I heard that someone would fake an Alien landing; to impose a One-World Religion.