Book club

What are you reading at the moment?

Any recommendations?

I mainly read crime novels but have run out of new ones so am re-reading Graham Greene.

I am on Brighton Rock at the moment.

On a kindle due to eyesight issues.

  • If you want a good book, I recommend The English Patient.

    I've seen the film.

    Does that count? Thinking

  • if I’m permitted to include audiobooks

    Any books, however transmitted to our brains, any genre, fact or fiction, even ones members have written themselves - that would be interesting.

    I don't get on with listening to books unfortunately - my concentration isn't good enough.

  • Yes. I am coming towards the end and am quite glad (although knowing it, I am dreading it).

    I have given up on the idea for now of re-reading him.

    Recommendations on this thread are very welcome.

  • Last book I read properly (as in turned pages, used eyes) was Convenience Store Woman - didn’t take long and was a first foray into intentionally seeking out a book about a (possibly, in the main character’s case) character who is autistic, and how that makes her an outsider in general. Especially in Japanese culture it seems. 

    if I’m permitted to include audiobooks (sometimes when I’m feeling run down it’s just easier to ‘read’ that way - read to I suppose) then I’m still battling through Neurotribes in small doses, and I did the first of the five short stories featuring Carnacki: the Ghost Finder. It has a bit of an M.R. James vibe which is good. My next physical read will be The John Nathan Turner Doctor Who Production Diaries (1979-1989) which has been patiently waiting for months for me to overcome the usual perplexing inertia about wanting to start but never quite getting there.  

  • I listened to that on audiobook a few years back and you’re not wrong! It’s compellingly grim and I definitely endured it more than enjoyed it. But it was still a worthwhile ‘read’. 

  • Just started duma key by stephen king

    Just looked up the synopsis. Looks good.

    I have only tried one of his - 'The Shining' (I haven't seen the film).

    I couldn't continue reading it as it unnerved me too much.

    I lived in a haunted house as a child and was very disturbed by what I heard and saw.

    I must try him again.

    Thank you for the recommendation.

  • I think we talked about billy summers?  The ending really got to me (the real part)..... I love the gandalf bit sucked......had to put it down for a bit after that 

  • Try The Starless Sea. It's a fabulous read, my fav book ever :) 

  • That's a really good book :) I own a lot of Stephen King books. 

  • Just started duma key by stephen king.  

  • For the younger readers

    When I was around 12 and discovered Karol May books, about Old Shatterhand and Winnetou I had to read them all. I read further stories about Old Shatterhand when he visited Africa as well.

    Strongly recommended adventure kind of books 

  • Relieved to hear you say that!  Brighton Rock was one of my O level English texts.....I found it threatening, upsetting and overwhelmingly depressing.  Grim period of history.  Grim location (at that point in history) and the darkest sorts of human motivations and behaviours spelt out at every corner.  Brighton Rock is a literary masterpiece in the same way that a lobotomy is a marvel of modern medicine - in my opinion.

    If you want a good book, I recommend The English Patient.  A personal fav.  It isn't fluffy bunnies and beautiful rainbows, but it is underpinned by a stream of unrelenting love despite a hugely challenging worldscape - again, in my opinion.

    Happy reading y'all.

  • The first couple are a bit slow it took me up to about book 6 until I really got into them. 

    I've not tried Lincoln Rhyme yet I must get one of them. Have to say to my fiance see if he will for Xmas 

    The Narnia saga is a good read to if you haven't read them all yet

  • I tried one but I couldn't get into it.

    I love police novels and crime thrillers but for some reason I prefer Scandi and British.

    I do love the Lincoln Rhyme books by Jeffrey Deaver though.

    I may try again with Lee Child.

    Thank you Books

  • Hi Debbie. I'm reading the Harry Potter books at the moment. Have you read the Lee Child books they're awesome. 

  • If anyone would like to recommend a book, fiction or not, please do.

    For the younger readers I would recommend Le Grand Meaulnes by Alain-Fournier (The Lost Domain). Books

  • Thank you.

    I will check that out Books

  • In that case, avoid Simenon's Dirty Snow; maybe, Raffles?

  • 70% through Brighton Rock and I seem to have just realised (3rd reading) that it's relentlessly depressing Disappointed relieved

  • I haven't and didn't know about it, so thank you.

    I would have to stay overnight to visit but that's something we occasionally do, so Devon has just risen up my 'places to stay' list.

    We buy each other National Trust membership for Christmas (and nothing else).

    If you visit, please report back.