Book club

What are you reading at the moment?

Any recommendations?

I mainly read crime novels but have run out of new ones so am re-reading Graham Greene.

I am on Brighton Rock at the moment.

On a kindle due to eyesight issues.

  • Last book I read properly (as in turned pages, used eyes) was Convenience Store Woman - didn’t take long and was a first foray into intentionally seeking out a book about a (possibly, in the main character’s case) character who is autistic, and how that makes her an outsider in general. Especially in Japanese culture it seems. 

    if I’m permitted to include audiobooks (sometimes when I’m feeling run down it’s just easier to ‘read’ that way - read to I suppose) then I’m still battling through Neurotribes in small doses, and I did the first of the five short stories featuring Carnacki: the Ghost Finder. It has a bit of an M.R. James vibe which is good. My next physical read will be The John Nathan Turner Doctor Who Production Diaries (1979-1989) which has been patiently waiting for months for me to overcome the usual perplexing inertia about wanting to start but never quite getting there.  

  • Last book I read properly (as in turned pages, used eyes) was Convenience Store Woman - didn’t take long and was a first foray into intentionally seeking out a book about a (possibly, in the main character’s case) character who is autistic, and how that makes her an outsider in general. Especially in Japanese culture it seems. 

    if I’m permitted to include audiobooks (sometimes when I’m feeling run down it’s just easier to ‘read’ that way - read to I suppose) then I’m still battling through Neurotribes in small doses, and I did the first of the five short stories featuring Carnacki: the Ghost Finder. It has a bit of an M.R. James vibe which is good. My next physical read will be The John Nathan Turner Doctor Who Production Diaries (1979-1989) which has been patiently waiting for months for me to overcome the usual perplexing inertia about wanting to start but never quite getting there.  

  • if I’m permitted to include audiobooks

    Any books, however transmitted to our brains, any genre, fact or fiction, even ones members have written themselves - that would be interesting.

    I don't get on with listening to books unfortunately - my concentration isn't good enough.