
I’ve had tinnitus since being a small child. It drives me mad at times, is it something anyone else has. Googled it, anxiety and depression is  linked to it. A big part of my autistic life.  Seems to be me.

  • Thanks for your reply, I’ve never heard of a speaker pillow. I will look into it.

  • Yep. Common for us. I get it too, but I only notice intensely first thing in the morning. 

  • I can really relate to your description, I also get a ticking noise in one ear. My hearing is very elevated as well so it really does drive me mad at times, to just have one day or even an hour off would be a small release. 24/7 is torture. I’ve used noise cancelling earphones but as you said, it doesn’t help. I find audiobooks a big help.

  • Yep, constant tinnitus, sounding like a dentist's drill!

  • I have tinnitus, it's so annoying and drives me crazy! Wish it would go away but can never get rid. With mine I hear a loud beep and it's awful, never get any peace from it. Mine came on a few years ago and it's been with me ever since unfortunately.

  • There is some research now showing we should be able to start growing hairs back in our ears. I've heard of companies creating a multi vitamin to help. Hopefully your future will sound much better! x

  • I've also had tinnitus since childhood. It used to be occational but as I got older it seemed to get worse. Especially after working a job that meant I was exposed to loud noise for about 4 hours a day. It can make hearing people quite difficult sometimes because it can be really loud. And it doesn't help when I'm trying to get to sleep.

    I find that some background sound helps - I like to listen to rain and thunderstorm sounds when going to sleep, but sometimes the tinnitus is so loud even that doesn't help.

    I also read it has a connection to anxiety and drepression. I can get very anxious but I haven't noticed it being worse, only that I tend to notice it more.

  • I've never tried earlpugs, or a speaker pillow. That may be something i'll look into. But sometimes of a night, i hear noises that aren't there. Often it's music, a band playing, or what sounds like horses & carriages outside. It seems so real i've even got up in the past and looked out of the  window, to see is anything there.

  • I’ve tinnitus also. at night I find earplugs a no no as this only makes it louder. For years I’ve used a speaker pillow where only you hear the music in the pillow. Just some background familiar music or podcast to help you focus on that and not the tinnitus. Speaker pillow much better than headphones as you don’t struggle with lying on your ear with them in. 
    I do also wear earphones day to day with music - not sure if that’s tinnitus related now or just my preference to keeping my focus on tasks / blocking out other noises that distract me.

  • I had intermittent tinnitus as a child (I had a lot of ear infections) After attending an exceptionally loud gig when I was 20 I’ve had permanent tinnitus. Wearing hearing aids and having background noise helps mine. I’m not sure that hearing aids would help if you don’t have hearing loss though. Have you had your hearing tested? Sometimes mild hearing loss is easily overlooked, especially in childhood

  • Hi I have tinnitus too, it drives me crazy too. I have pulsatile tinnitus and also get whistling and a loud humming noise. It's distressing, especially at night and when I wear earplugs to be able to sleep. I've had it as an adult, so you having since childhood must be awful, I really feel for you. Take care