Adult life being dull

So one thing I do hate about adult life is how boring it gets. It's very reppretive and half the time you feel like your in limbo. TV sucks new music sucks politics sucks religion sucks gaming sucks Christmas and birthdays sucks the older you get even football gets boring after you've been to like 5 matches. Wieredly though I've found the only thing these days that brings me pleasure is either stuff that scares me or brings me an adrenaline rush or physical pain. Which sure may make me sound crazy to some but when life gets boring to the point of beyond belief that's all that seems left. All I'm saving for now are tattoos as I have the majority of meterlistic items I need so now and I've exceled at my hobby so now I'm turning my body into art. Looking into taking up boxing too. And looking forward to hiking bit since covid everything's just been ***.

  • No, for me the pregnancy was horrific. The worst 'illness' of my life. I was at home ill the whole time with no visitors, sick and frightened. Then I had this tiny baby to look after, her life depended on me and again I had very little support. No friends or relatives to turn to. I had to be on duty 24/7 with no time to destress, decompress or process the huge changes my body and mind was going through.

    Now my daughter is 15, at last I can find ME again and switch off from the 24/7 worrying and activity.

    I am glad I've got her but I recommend all women to get a support group BEFORE having children. You. Will. Need. It!!!!!!

  • And loads of free courses on the internet.

  • I get what you mean.  I've always wanted to be an individual and not follow the crowd like a sheep.....

  • Personally I'd rather a vecrctamy than kids but unfortunately they'll only issue that to you once you've already had one. Kids would be the death off me literally. The stress would send me over the edge.

  • My advice is, make sure you get a good career started BEFORE you get stuck in the mother/wife role. Get trained, organise your life as YOU like it, set up some savings, be financially independent. Because once you have children you'll be too busy/ tired/ put upon to start a career or save any money. You could also be the jam in the sandwich with looking after kids one side and elderly parents the other side. Look after number one!

  • With those skills, you could run your own Room Escape business, erm, be UX Designer/Researcher, erm, help run workshops for other autistic adults? I dunno, a few thoughts... but you will definitely have skills you can put to good use. Good idea is to approach 3/4 people that work in an area you might find interesting, send them an email, dream big and give it a go. Often people are willing to help others get ahead in their life if you just reach out and ask, good luck

  • I must admit o thought the same when I was your age, all the things I wanted to do.... Didn't quite pan out the way o thought.... But hey ho, I wish you the best of luck! (That was seriously not sarstic) Blush

  • I'd take that over washing dishes any day I like puzzle solving stuff like if I had of done better at school I'd of liked to of done something like engineering or something hands on and practical my only downside is whislt I'm ok with practical tasks I'm not very good with the theatrical tasks.

  • I bet you have an imagination you can utilise? Implement ideas, make dull things fun by exploring alternative ways of doing them, find the sub-text of life. It's hard when you don't feel inspired I know, but to find the motivation you need to try some new things you don't normally push yourself to try. I once worked a job in a factory making fridges, for months. The most boring job ever, but I made it fun by imagining different things I could do later... this led to me becoming an artist. There is no part of life that need be boring, as you hold the keys to your mind if you choose to make it fun you can turn it around. Good luck :)

  • As well as adult education that Peter mentions below you can do free courses online as small steps to see how you get along and give you confidence. I have done some free courses in coding in the past and found them really useful. You can do the same with Excel and other useful software packages that employers in general find helpful. There are loads of data entry and admin type roles that may be a decent step up in pay and atmosphere for you that you may be able to apply for without too much effort or extra qualifications. So many free resources out there. Please let me know if you want some links or help with ideas.

    I have used this free source in the past. It's MIT, probably the best university in the world!!!

  • hard disks get scratched or contaminated by dust. in solid state memory the circuits occasionally burn out. But with error correction and multiple backups you can keep data intact for basically as long as you want, still the most robust data recording method for passive storage is ink on acid free paper.

  • have you considered adult education? It's never too late to get an education.

  • It is, but if you make it good, you have to then spend all your time defending it against the scrotes who want to pull you back down!

    And there's a LOT of them.

  • I quite like gettiing old to be honest. There comes a point sometime after 40 where you realise how much you don't know, but start putting it all together...  

  • Have you considered taking up motorcycling?

    Plenty of excitement and real existential danger in that activity. You could try and break the old paradigm that "there are old motorcyclists and there are bold motorcyclists but there aren't many old & bold motorcyclists. In fact, of all the bikers I started out riding with. I'm about the only one still doing it. And I'm still (rarely, admittedly) known to do triple the posted speed limit in places, but I've never managed the 4x multiple..

    OR If I was young I'd seriously consider taking up microlighting or paragliding, (Don't do full size aircraft unless you are either rich or possessed of great charisma. I did, and it was an enormously unsatisfying waste of money for me. I joined the ranks of those who get thier licence eventually, then struggle to get any more hours in).  

    I must admit, the worst part about biking was the time spent in the pub. And you rapidly learn as a biker, how  badly that socially sanctioned drug alcohol takes the edge of your performance.. (plus all my drinker mates seem to have circulatory & other health issues, the vast mount of which, we dope smokers don't seem to get).

  • I'm quite enjoying it and am privileged to be doing so.

  • Life is what you make it, so I’ve been told 

  • I'm not quite an adult, yet, but nearly Slight smile just a few years to go...

    I'm looking forward to being an adult. I can't wait to get a job, learn to drive, get married and have children. There's so much I want to do and as soon as I turn 18 it all becomes a lot more possible.

    Can't wait! Slight smile

    PS, totally get the hair going grey thing though. Next year I'm 16 and there's a few strands turning grey already lol

  • I still find new and interesting programs on TV to keep my mind occupied.  Recently I watched a couple of documentaries.  One was on the Appalachian mountain feuds with the hillbillies.  Another was the WW2 German operation in 1943 to rescue Mussolini from house arrest.  Both contained survivors giving their version of history.  I was able to practice at reading between the lines and tying to see why they were possibly lying.

  • I'm the opposite on that the idea of having kids terrified the life out of me I still feel like one myself even though I'm 28