Ear plugs - what would you recommend?

I am thinking about taking the plunge and buying some quality ear plugs. What ear plugs would you recommend for sleeping? Ear plugs seem to be the only solution for blocking out unwanted night time noise at my flat, which is by a busy road.

What are your experiences of using ear plugs? Do they help you?

  • when you put the ear plugs in it can work better if you pull your ear up and back whilst opening your jaw. Then keep pretty still until the foam expands again to fill the canal. Everyone has a different ear shape so its about experimenting.

    There are loads of youtube tutorials:



  • This has been very insightful, thank you. I bought some cheap Boots foam ear plugs today, that are reusable . I have tried them out already, but I think they will take some getting used to. I will sleep with them tonight, and see if this helps. I can still hear noise with them in, but it is certainly muffled. If they don't work properly, I will try other brands.

    The fluffy ear muffs sound interesting. I will check out my local poundland to see if they sell them there.

  • I use them sometimes and just can't get used to them. I prefer something that goes over the ear - not practical for sleeping. The thing with foam ear plugs is that you have to insert quite deeply for them to work well. The wax ones don't go in so deep I believe. I find that ear plugs feel odd, fall out and arn't 100%.

    I own some ear defenders  that I use in the day if I need them.

    I own some headphones that cut background noise. (you can get them cheaper than the link.

    These are cheap with nice bass and relatively comfy. They cut out background noise well compared to many other similar more expensive products. be careful where you buy them though because there are ALOT of fakes. You have to put them in your ears but if you don't mind and also want to use music to mask also then I would recommend these. They would be less intrusive then the headphones for sleeping in.

    For straight earplugs I would check out the recomendations on amazon and search google. I have tried a few and find most of the foam ones similar. My current ones are Quies.

    I am reading a book at the moment relating to sensory issues. Interesting.


  • The Imp of the Perverse writes...

    I have had trouble with a sensitivity to noise for a long time...this may not work for you as it feels unnatural when first using them but wax earplugs are my first choice. Boots have some large awkward ones which I tear into two so that they fit better. Another choice but more expensive are a smaller variety called Quies which are wrapped in cotton wool but I take this off to bung them in. As I'm sleeping better these days I can't remember if they still say to throw them out after one night's use but I never have. I used to make them last a week before throwing them out or clean them to se them for longer. Some might find this disgusting and with your contamination worries you may do so as well (I don't really like the waxy feel on my fingers I have to say too). All in all when you finally lie down and hear nothing it is such a blessed relief that the slight feeling of discomfort soon drops away.

  • Hi - I don't use earplugs but had a look on amazon a while ago for someone else.  You may know that buyers rate a product they've bought.  Some of the reviews may be helpful before you make your mind up about whether or what brand/type to buy.

  • Tried clear silicon and foam, the clear ones from boots are no use, the foam ones better but heat my ears up inside to much. I have a pair of fluffy ear muffs from the pound shop which I find better on the ears and feels nice on the head. Smile How about an instrumental music CD at very low level on repeat CD setting... may try that myself.