Ear plugs - what would you recommend?

I am thinking about taking the plunge and buying some quality ear plugs. What ear plugs would you recommend for sleeping? Ear plugs seem to be the only solution for blocking out unwanted night time noise at my flat, which is by a busy road.

What are your experiences of using ear plugs? Do they help you?

  • Tried clear silicon and foam, the clear ones from boots are no use, the foam ones better but heat my ears up inside to much. I have a pair of fluffy ear muffs from the pound shop which I find better on the ears and feels nice on the head. Smile How about an instrumental music CD at very low level on repeat CD setting... may try that myself.  

  • Tried clear silicon and foam, the clear ones from boots are no use, the foam ones better but heat my ears up inside to much. I have a pair of fluffy ear muffs from the pound shop which I find better on the ears and feels nice on the head. Smile How about an instrumental music CD at very low level on repeat CD setting... may try that myself.  

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