
Is it just me or does my autism have something to do with my ridiculous procrastination? Honestly I'm sick of it and it's about to get me into deep trouble. I already can't graduate on time but at this rate I'm not even going to graduate.

Please drop any tips you have to stop procrastinating that makes sense to an autistic person. I need serious help

  • I think its £17.99 a year so it's not expensive, it's really customisable that's why I like it and it links up to my Apple Watch and that helps too. I love it see if you can get a free trial and see if you like I can't remember if they have a free trial or not

  • I saw that on Yo Samedy Sam. How much is it? I currently use Asana....but I find my brain tries to slide out of that too. Making to-do lists, systems are great---just gotta get my brain on board. I'm currently using two reminders that are helping ALOT. 2pm-eat something, 6pm-eat dinner, 10:50pm get ready for bed.

  • Also, if you're working on top of this....REALLY cut yourself some slack. When I worked, I only completed 3 classes per 6 months---it was so hard. I do not have finite brain power...I'm good from 10-3pm and after that....forget it. When I quit my toxic job, I completed 11 classes and now am dealing with burnout. You want this degree and you're so close to the finish line---just keep going Slight smile

  • I got the app Tiimo it's just a nice planning app and you can make little checklists of things within each activity and each activity can be customised with when you need to do it.

    It's been a huge help for me I highly recommend it 

  • This was totally me at the end of my degree. In my mind, I already had it and had pushed myself so hard anyway. I feel I have to convince my brain to get "into it." But this is no easy task.....I think time crunches help me-bc there's no other option. I graduated/finished my last class on the absolute last day. Your brain is no doubt tired. My husband came up with an idea that I should have a class after I signed up for Open University. He thought maybe I wasn't able to finish the last classes, bc there wasn't another on after. I thought the idea interesting, tried it & it worked. I also had Prob/Statistics, which normally is a subject I like--but it was WAY too much information. I just did my best to grasp everything w/o losing the previous information learned--I find this can happen when there's way more. You just need to keep going, everyday-do a little. You most likely are reaching burnout & COVID19 individually/collectively has stressed/jacked us all up, so cut yourself some slack. See if there isn't any leeway-bc COVID19, they should be more flexible with extensions and such. I used 'word' documents with each chapters 'main info.' Everyday....I told myself I'd complete 1-pg....but some days, I could not get my brain to cooperate--so I really feel your pain. Just realize you have been running a marathon, slow and steady wins the race. I was just in your place like 2months ago----I know how you feel & YOU CAN DO THIS!

  • I have a to do list everyday i just do what is on the list then i do nothing the rest of the day. that seems to be the only thing that actually works for me. If i forget to write the list the night before for the next day i do nothing in that day.

  • What currently works for me:

    I have to connect to my 'why' - the big perspective behind the overall thing / project. I also have to connect this to the individual task at hand and keep reminding myself of these links. Usually daily, if I'm honest. 

    To-do lists - yes! I have to break bigger tasks down in order to see things as doable in the first place. I find this very difficult to do in itself. But once I remember I need to do this... then remember how (after the inevitable overwhelm has subsided)... then I do really enjoy ticking off each item. I don't care how small the items on the list get - each one is important and necessary, and each ticking off will keep me going to the next one.

    When to-do lists get epically long, this is where I may need help prioritising. Either I need to drop or postpone some things, or I need help breaking all the tasks into weekly and daily chunks and help understanding where to start. This helps my mind stop thinking about things that are important but not urgent. My favourite tip: pick 1 to 3 (maximum is always 3) things you MUST get done on a particular day before you begin the day. Make sure what you pick is absolutely doable with spare time leftover in case anything takes longer. When you've done those thing(s), you can either relax if you feel you need it, knowing you got what you wanted done, or you can ride the waves of satisfaction and start work on other things.

    Then, I also need time away from the tasks. Like being here on this forum. I cannot work like a robot on one topic forever. I need small and big blocks of time to explore other things, relax, or whatever. 10 mins can be it when super busy, or a whole morning if needed. I make a pact with myself that I'm taking time away from the project in order to come back to it. Right now, I'm benefitting from the support this forum gives because in the background, my brain is still processing what it means to be autistic and navigating my daily life. When I ignore emotional or support needs, they tend to draw me away from my work eventually, anyway. Work might be the primary urgent thing on the surface, but we all have human needs that may not shout so loudly but also need honouring.

    Hope this helps. 

  • i can get real bad with this --- i read a book on it  

    which  in the end, just as BJS says Lists are the way ahead if it gets bad ---

    just pick one thing do it cross it off 


    just pick one thing do it cross it off 


    just pick one thing do it cross it off 


    each victory helps you break the loop

    and if u dont get all  on the list completed dont worry 

  • If I need to do something I setup a to do list

  • No and that's how I like it Slight smile

    (real reason is I've made some previous posts seeking help with disability discrimination which is now a court case so I'd rather I be harder to identify)

  • Is there anyone will take you seriously without a username ?