
Is it just me or does my autism have something to do with my ridiculous procrastination? Honestly I'm sick of it and it's about to get me into deep trouble. I already can't graduate on time but at this rate I'm not even going to graduate.

Please drop any tips you have to stop procrastinating that makes sense to an autistic person. I need serious help

  • This was totally me at the end of my degree. In my mind, I already had it and had pushed myself so hard anyway. I feel I have to convince my brain to get "into it." But this is no easy task.....I think time crunches help me-bc there's no other option. I graduated/finished my last class on the absolute last day. Your brain is no doubt tired. My husband came up with an idea that I should have a class after I signed up for Open University. He thought maybe I wasn't able to finish the last classes, bc there wasn't another on after. I thought the idea interesting, tried it & it worked. I also had Prob/Statistics, which normally is a subject I like--but it was WAY too much information. I just did my best to grasp everything w/o losing the previous information learned--I find this can happen when there's way more. You just need to keep going, everyday-do a little. You most likely are reaching burnout & COVID19 individually/collectively has stressed/jacked us all up, so cut yourself some slack. See if there isn't any leeway-bc COVID19, they should be more flexible with extensions and such. I used 'word' documents with each chapters 'main info.' Everyday....I told myself I'd complete 1-pg....but some days, I could not get my brain to cooperate--so I really feel your pain. Just realize you have been running a marathon, slow and steady wins the race. I was just in your place like 2months ago----I know how you feel & YOU CAN DO THIS!

  • This was totally me at the end of my degree. In my mind, I already had it and had pushed myself so hard anyway. I feel I have to convince my brain to get "into it." But this is no easy task.....I think time crunches help me-bc there's no other option. I graduated/finished my last class on the absolute last day. Your brain is no doubt tired. My husband came up with an idea that I should have a class after I signed up for Open University. He thought maybe I wasn't able to finish the last classes, bc there wasn't another on after. I thought the idea interesting, tried it & it worked. I also had Prob/Statistics, which normally is a subject I like--but it was WAY too much information. I just did my best to grasp everything w/o losing the previous information learned--I find this can happen when there's way more. You just need to keep going, everyday-do a little. You most likely are reaching burnout & COVID19 individually/collectively has stressed/jacked us all up, so cut yourself some slack. See if there isn't any leeway-bc COVID19, they should be more flexible with extensions and such. I used 'word' documents with each chapters 'main info.' Everyday....I told myself I'd complete 1-pg....but some days, I could not get my brain to cooperate--so I really feel your pain. Just realize you have been running a marathon, slow and steady wins the race. I was just in your place like 2months ago----I know how you feel & YOU CAN DO THIS!

  • Also, if you're working on top of this....REALLY cut yourself some slack. When I worked, I only completed 3 classes per 6 months---it was so hard. I do not have finite brain power...I'm good from 10-3pm and after that....forget it. When I quit my toxic job, I completed 11 classes and now am dealing with burnout. You want this degree and you're so close to the finish line---just keep going Slight smile