How to stop worrying about social media, and people not following you?

I have Aspergers, and have been talking to someone I like as a friend (and also secretly fancy!) on Instagram, and it's been going well. I also followed them on TikTok and liked some of their posts, but they haven't followed me back. I have been really nervous about this, and am scared that our relationship is fake or less somehow because of this. I know that they haven't posted again since I followed them, but then I remembered whenever someone follows me on TikTok I'm notified on the home-screen of my phone, so I got scared and thought "What if they have seen my follow and likes, why haven't they followed me back?". I've been trying to separate the anxiety from myself (like labelling it), as I know it is irrational. Do you guys go through similar anxieties, and how do you deal with it?

  • Social media is too unpredictable and dangerous, so it’s not safe to rely on it in terms of your emotional health. In other words, your emotional state should not depend on how many likes/followers you have there because it doesn’t define you as a person. It has no connection to your personality and to the life you live. My advice is to differentiate between the real and virtual worlds and choose the first one over the second.
    Social media, for me, is just a nice way to communicate with people and sell my products. It’s easy to get more attention on newer platforms like TikTok and get many followers there with the help of [link removed by Mod]. I use it, but I never forget that it’s not real.

  • I don't have social media, it is too toxic, I am so very happy since I came off of all social medias. It is peaceful, I read books, do art, and have hobbies. Social media ls a waste of your time and years will be wasted on it. it is not the real world, people use it as if it is a stupid game to hurt others. I don't own a smart phone any more, I just have a phone to make calls and sent the odd text. Never have I been as happy and peaceful. I recommend it. 

    Watch  Matt D'Avella  on youtube, search for him and search for his videos on social media. Also I recommend listening and watching the videos/podcasts of The minimalists on youtube too and search for what they say about social media. 

    It is pure bliss not being on social media anymore and interacting with ego lead people. And being upset because no one has given me a like. it is a false world, I wish I came out of it sooner. Good luck and be happy with you. 

  • I'll try to focus on that.

    So far my dealings with people online have been negative.

    Hopefully that will change.

    Positive to hear you've had good ones though.

  • Yeah, focus on them, I've experienced some great people ND (and some NT) on Twitter  with great things to say.  

  • Yeah I struggle with that. It's something I'm trying to learn to be better at.

    But I do enjoy seeing some of the things written, some are really nice and happy. Bring a smile to me.

  • Learning to observe people and what they do without reacting badly or at all is good to learn if people don't already do it, including with people offline that are around us.

    Slings and arrows, some people write and say great things (and others less great).

  • Yes exactly, that's what I try to do. It's hard to not upset myself with the bad stuff but it's the same as what you see in the news. Have to try and not let it get to me. I just like to know what's going on but don't get involved.

  • Get off social media I guess. I get for some people think it's a good way to interact and get some people need it. But in reality social media is pretty toxic and shallow. It's a popularity contest at the end of the day everyone fakes there life on social media cause in reality there lives just as dull and empty as anyone's ellses life who's trying to make it through life. I don't use social media anymore these days and I haven't looked back got 5 close friends who I meet up with or talk with on what's app. But that's it. Fake followers and fame is merely a delusion.  Likes mean nothing and selling yourself out appease the masses will only make you more miserable be yourself get offline and you'll be happier for it. 

  • People used to read newspapers and go mental that way, but usually more privately, but then social media took over and now its global slanging.

    Read and observe, but don't absorb or get drawn in by bad stuff that goes on - use it for your own positive purposes if you wish or need to, but keep it there.

  • I avoid social media.

    I think it's a really great thing but far too many people misuse it and just hurt people.

    I browse it and read but not a part of it anymore.

  • Social Media is a fantastic way to interact with people and share your creativity, but it can also be nerve-wracking when you're worried that no one will follow or like everything. If this sounds familiar then I have some good news for all of us who find ourselves in the same boat! great topic

  • Realize that it’s all fake. Everything someone posts is there to please: to make themselves look interesting, to boast. It’s a highlight reel of everyone else’s life, and the more you browse it, the more you undervalue your own life.

    You should understand that social media never reflects people correctly. Sometimes the main reason people go on social media is to try and get rid of the loneliness and feelings of isolation, the irony being that it only makes them feel more alone, and more isolated because all they’re seeing is the best of everyone else.

    Once you realize all of this, you begin to have a perspective on social media: it’s cool to be able to hit up your buddies whenever you want, but it’s detrimental to mental health when overused and painfully addictive.

  • Do what I did, and delete all your social media. Keep phone numbers to speak to friends, and enjoy your life! Read books, go for walks, learn and really be present with the people and loved ones in your life. It's much more valuable than looking at a screen.

  • Calm down, and there's nothing to worry about... I understand you perfectly because I used to be very nervous that my friends did not subscribe to me in response. Later, as it turned out, they didn't notice me. Maybe it was their excuse, and they said so so as not to offend me, but I don't care... But I have more subscribers in tiktok than they do. As soon as I registered on this platform, I immediately posted my funny videos there. And to increase my views, I have acquired subscribers on the platform [removed by Mod], and thus my account began to grow.

  • first thing to do is to get some perspective.

    if you use social media, tiktok, instagram then you have either a smartphone, a laptop or a personal computer (or all three). you also have a stable internet connection. if you have these things, then you are within the top 10% of the world’s richest people (even if you're on welfare).

    this means you have a very charmed life indeed. i'm guessing you also have clean running water to drink from a tap or to buy in a bottle (and to shower)? if so, you are truly blessed. 80% of the world doesn't have fresh water either in a tap or doesn't have enough money to buy bottled water, let alone to bathe in.

    that can be a sobering fact to help you get some perspective. it might help you. 40% of the world's population don't have electricity. 20% are starving, 30% have been hungry for days and don’t know where their next meal is coming from.

    i find this helps me when i get bogged down with stuff in my life. when I wish I had enough money to buy the latest apple iPhone, i give myself a reality check and remind myself that there are people just like me who wish they had enough money to buy an apple to eat.

    i hope this helps.

  • This sounds like my kind of film. Depressing.

  • Social media when misused is just like a dangerous drug. Studies all around the world have linked a mass increase of depression, stress and anxiety to the excessive use of social media, they've even found that the more someone uses social media the more socially isolated they feel, and the more socially isolated they feel, the more they want to use social media. 

    Very true.  On a related theme, I recently watched the film, 'Surrogates', where the majority of people lived out their lives lying in their beds connected by WiFi to surrogate android robots, who lived their lives for them. 

    Originally these surrogates where created to help the physically disabled to live more fruitful and social lives by using the surrogates to interact with the outside world. 

    However the able bodied became addicted to the surrogates and spent their lives stuck at home 24/7 completely isolated and lived through their surrogates.

    Social media is similar.  To many people it seems more real than reality itself.

  • Removing the I doesn't make this statement any less related to thoughts about themselves because of the me. 

    CBT must be very mystical and zen. It follows this same approach. CBT isn't very good for autistic people. My assessor sent me an article about it as I have had both CBT and person-centred therapy previously. 

  • it is a zen technique --- but i am also reading a mystic book and they do same thing as well. I have no experience of CBT

  • "Me" isn't separate to you though. I hate CBT techniques.