Can't find like minded people you connect with ?

I know people are going to say go to groups where like minded people are but i never seem to find people or find a fault that just ruins it for me.

  • This is an interesting observation, I think these proclivities when present can be explained by things like social naivete and narrowly focused interests that block taking a substantial well-informed interest in many generally relevant things including politics. And also by embedded compensation to hide these traits.

    I do agree with not artificially idealising or devaluing autists as a group. 

  • WTF has happened to us?

    we dont know yet.

    Autism is still under research and involves up to 150 genes which makes the research very difficult

    Also humans do not have natural selection applied to them much now, and have other forces applied like sexual selection, herd selection, and other new selection forces yet to be named. The Selfish gene theory still applies to humans.

    This means the frequency of genes removed by Natural selection start to rise by random movement sometimes because they have no damper on them anymore.

    right back to work for me gg

  • I'm not sure I'm on board with this whole autism is a superpower thing though. This may be going off in a tangent. Probably to do with my mood today. I think it's more likely that we're evolutionary mistakes... an evolutionary cul-de-sac, so to speak. But that's probably because I'm feeling bored and useless today.

  • Humans are social creatures,

    No I don't agree - we are the most dangerous apex predators who learned how to hunt in packs and raise the young in groups for safety.

    If the SHTF, it would be a bloodbath within days.

  • we could always start growing the babies in glass tubes instead.

  • there is a very clear link between how intelligent a woman is and how disposed to having children she is.

    And that's why we're headed for the Idiocracy - the dumbasses breed like rabbits and the clever ones die out.

  • Extremely depressing though. Humans are social creatures, designed to work and play together. WTF has happened to us?

  • I agree with this. I've never got on with groups of women. The first thing they say is 'why are you so skinny?' and that is the end of the social interaction. Please women stop fixating on your weight!

    So I work alone at home as an editor with no colleagues.

  • stupid people are in an absolutely overwhelming majority all the world over,

    Ohhhh yesss.

    But if you think about it, it's logical. Like a pyramid with a few clever ones at the top and millions of stupid ones lower down.

    Also apparently there is a very clear link between how intelligent a woman is and how disposed to having children she is. i.e. the more intelligent the woman, the less she wants to have children. So there will naturally be more children who are less intelligent due to numbers.

    I wonder why. I can think of lots of reasons personally! Motherhood is not the utopia it is described as.

  • The problem being i don't really like people much ,so if i meet a like minded person .you see the problem !  The people i seem to migrate towards aren't the people  it is healthy to associate with , Most people just bore me stupid they are so shallow and one dimensional . Probably some label for thinking that way ,just add to all the others.

  • i like all animals but dogs are my favorite, there isnt a dog i didnt like. I grew up with them I'm sure thats something to do with it

  • I've always found dogs more likeable. Not all dogs, I hasten to add. It's probably a misconception on my part. Cats always seem deceptive to me, sneaky. 

  • Do you think it's true that people are either dog-people or a cat-people? I think I'm more fond of dogs. I've never fully trusted cats. 

  • The person spends half their day editing and deleting previous posts to re-arrange history - I've pointed it out a couple of times - the behaviour is unbelievably narcissistic - even the naming of threads after themselves - it's pathetic - I'm getting concerned about every single lie and manipulation.

    I'm really not keen on people with ulterior motives preying on the vulnerable.

    They can attack me as much as they like - their petty, child-like spite is obvious for everyone to see,.

    But it's all being noted and time-stamped - it's always why I always QFT this person - they keep changing their attacks.

  • It seems you were right about her tactics, man. The Cult of Aidie. 

  • There is something very wrong with following someone around a forum and downvoting every comment they make. It's called trolling. Some may call it bullying. 

  • There's nothing wrong with people disagreeing with comments anyone makes. We are all different people who each have unique experiences which shape our views.

  • She's removed her downvotes from my comments on this thread, Plastic. I don't know which is worse. Downvoting me or retracting them after being called out.