Can't find like minded people you connect with ?

I know people are going to say go to groups where like minded people are but i never seem to find people or find a fault that just ruins it for me.

  • Have you met the Human Race? I wouldn't want 99.9% of them as friends. What are you looking for in a friend? If it's authenticity, loyalty and intelligence, you're better off with a dog.

  • Hahhaah-so true!

    Dogs are superior is every way lol If people were more genuine mammals-like dogs, we'd have a MUCH better world. When I'm at a party--I'm like, "Ugh, get these people out of my way, I gotta get to the dog!" I think that's the real beef with autism....we're genuine & the world/NT can't handle it. Well..........get used to disapointment, it's going to happen alot. lol

  • Do you think it's true that people are either dog-people or a cat-people? I think I'm more fond of dogs. I've never fully trusted cats. 

  • I only like big, cuddly, lazy cats. I had a black cat growing up & he was cuddly as hell. I had no idea cats could be mean until I met a few. That's an interesting ? I love dogs, everything about them. Stinky breath, I get down on the floor and snuggle with 'em. I pretend sniff & kiss their face, mimicing their manurisms. They seems to like this--when you get on that "dog level" makes them feel more like part of the pack. When my dad died, my mom got rid of Sonkla (black cat) and the tiny kitten we had. I found that a tad traumatic. I tend to lean towards dogs, not sure why. I think when you love cats, you either have to be cool with the ammonia urine smell/really tickly cotton candy fur. If you get a really awesome cat, they pretty much are self-sufficient. I'm waiting on getting a dog till we move & I def won't do it w/o a doggie door. I don't like leaving my "space" that many times today. Crazy cats are cute when they're just Curmudgeon....but when they are biotches...I couldn't deal with that. Maybe it depends on the pet? And the things that go with taking care of it. Has anyone seen the virtual pets coming out on Unreal Engine? I'd say it's not a replacement, but kind of cool.

  • I am a cat person, I find the fawning desire to please of dogs off-putting.  The ideal for me are Oriental cats, such as Siamese. Unlike the Disney image, they are immensely forthright and straightforward creatures. In contrast to most moggies they are talkative, demand a lot of attention and become very attached, often especially strongly to one particular person. They will also play fetch. 

  • Haha, same. I grew up with a dog always around, so I feel I just 'get' them. (Ok, so my profile photo might have given my preferences away...!)

    I don't really understand cats. I don't understand how they can suddenly change and bite/scratch. But there ARE a few cats that can still my heart! They tend to be a bit more balanced, calmer... Perhaps I see people as like cats. Some make sense, others take advantage of you and train you to do as they please, others are all nice until suddenly they turn and hate you. Haha!!! Very glad for those few cats who are awesome and buck this trend!!

  • i like all animals but dogs are my favorite, there isnt a dog i didnt like. I grew up with them I'm sure thats something to do with it

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  • Haha, same. I grew up with a dog always around, so I feel I just 'get' them. (Ok, so my profile photo might have given my preferences away...!)

    I don't really understand cats. I don't understand how they can suddenly change and bite/scratch. But there ARE a few cats that can still my heart! They tend to be a bit more balanced, calmer... Perhaps I see people as like cats. Some make sense, others take advantage of you and train you to do as they please, others are all nice until suddenly they turn and hate you. Haha!!! Very glad for those few cats who are awesome and buck this trend!!