Autism Friendships

I was chatting with my autism specialist today and she confirmed something I’ve suspected for a while... people on the spectrum tend to get on better with others on the spectrum! I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m a social disaster on all levels, but I guess it would be nice to chat with people who share similar issues. The problem I have is that my interests are pretty niche - for example wildlife, aviation and history... not exactly the stereotypical young adult male interests. I’m guessing others share this problem... or maybe not. I dunno :-/ 

Not sure what I’m getting at but sometimes it’s good to just air your thoughts. 

  • Yeah  we get it - your view was that you are more intelligent than anyone else. Point noted!

  • I gave my view, as should be welcomed on a thread where people don't go mad when someone disagrees and repeatedly says "it's basically chaos theory" and that anything can happen....just obnoxious.

  • Ha "ill-researched points" your thread. So much hatred. I've asked you to calm down several times....why get so upset? Yup, fed up with dealing with people who go OTT over some thread too cheers.

  • Reality? Ha... sure, ok bud! Given you claim to be so intellectual, you are off the mark- the issue isn’t your ill researched points, it’s not the fact you think an a-level constitutes an in-depth educational and knowledge base (hell why do historians get masters and PhDs when all they need is an a-level)... the problem is none of this - it’s you and your persistent bad attitude, constant attempts to bully and belittle others and generally try to bring others down. I actually welcomed your input to the discussion I just object to how you treat others.

    On that note I’m done here - The Last Leg is on and I’m not willing to expend any further effort on dealing with you.

  • Everyone has a view and are entitled to one. You made a childish comment about child rapists and then some snarky comment about "someone reading some books"...So I'm childish? I see, it's basically a "I'm right thread" and if I'm not right then it's ya.

  • Ah, so when someone points out the reality of points pick up your toys and go into a strop.

  • Daz, that’s just low and childish pulling the “I’m smarter than you” card. You may think you know everything and probably think it’s ok to attack anyone and everyone’s views because you have some kind of superiority complex going on and you know what - do as you please, I don’t know you and truthfully have no desire to change that - I’m sure this feeling is reciprocated also.

    Rashford was laying down a hypothetical which is historically plausible. Before you belittle my calling it plausible, yes I too have an A level in history (it’s one of 7 A levels I have), I’m working towards a degree in the subject and have done more hours of research in topics of history than I care to count. I’m not claiming this makes me more intelligent as I believe everyone brings their own strengths anon opinions to a discussion and we can all learn from one another.

    I’m done with this debate - thank you for killing what could haven been an interesting discussion Daz. 

  • Oh wow you're so clever correcting people on a discussion board, you must be so proud of yourself. Next time I have a hypothetical historic thought please can I run it by you as you're such an expert. This was a nice conversation and you've ruined it thanks a lot! 

  • Again, calm down. That's the point of a hypothetical discussion; there's always going to be someone that knows a bit more than you about the topic. and it's a modern history A-level thanks.

  • What are you talking about? This is a hypothetical discussion. This isn't as essay about the issues. It's an opinion on a discussion board. We'll done you've obviously read some books on the subject. 

  • Calm down. No one knows what would happen if something changes. There's massive amounts of research in things like parallel universes and causation. Fact is, before world war one, the Germans had already committed genocide in both Africa and Europe; The Russian state was in absolute chaos so we just wouldn't know and the likelihood is that things probably wouldn't have changed that much.

  • You can tell this to the parents of victims of knife crime, parents of victims of child abuse, murder etc etc. And see how they react to you! 

  • Would the white Russians have won? Did the European powers care enough to intervene? Possibly; would it just spit out someone similar to Stalin? Possibly; history is never simple sadly. It's basically chaos theory.

  • And before -‘though the 19th century was in my opinion the most influential and interesting century in British history in particular 

  • I think it’s plausible that things would have taken a very different path in Russia.

    on an unrelated note I have the PM thing sorted I think

  • It's problematic; would the Russians have continued to accept an absolute monarchy like the Romanovs? Bare in mind they were overthrown before the communists actually got in. But Marxism is always interesting because again, it's something that can be traced back to a social commentary of life in Victorian London. Pretty much everything that went down in the first part of the 20th century can be attributed to decisions made in the 19th.

  • unique views... idk... now they don't seem that unique. well, i live among liberals here in california, and i often point out to them that if you get 10 americans in a room, half are super conversative (trumpers). it's common sense to me, but my liberal friends don't seem to get this. with all the people dying from covid here, i seem to lack sympathy, because to me it's just a big number (of dead people). they could as easily be dead from drug overdoses... these rival covid in certain regions. why be so upset over one type of death, but not the other? seems very arbitrary to me.

    things like that. other people like to chat and chatter about those topics, but to me, i have a different point of view.

  • I didn't say that no Hitler would mean no Stalin. I meant if we hadn't entered the first world war, would there have been the Russian revolution and communism in Russia? 

  • Things never work out that simply. The last thing the Kaiser said was rabidly anti-semitec so no, I don't think that would have been a good idea or result either. Contextually, you have to look at world war one in the same context of the scramble for Africa. Markets were down, tensions were boiling over and it would have included Britain in the end if we wanted it or not. No Hitler would definitely not have resulted in no Stalin but revisionist history is a problem in Britain at the minute.

  • The death penalty was abolished when a large proportion of the country were for's, in my view, a very good example of the government not being weak and using excuses like popularist opinion to sway their judgements.