Autism Friendships

I was chatting with my autism specialist today and she confirmed something I’ve suspected for a while... people on the spectrum tend to get on better with others on the spectrum! I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m a social disaster on all levels, but I guess it would be nice to chat with people who share similar issues. The problem I have is that my interests are pretty niche - for example wildlife, aviation and history... not exactly the stereotypical young adult male interests. I’m guessing others share this problem... or maybe not. I dunno :-/ 

Not sure what I’m getting at but sometimes it’s good to just air your thoughts. 

  • Yeah I know what you mean, I also love history. Wildlife and aviation are also good topics for me. I also like reading about science and maths. I've just started reading a fictionalised account of the war of the roses. Which is so enjoyable. What I've done is immerse myself in my interests. I've tried to be a norm, but now it's time for me to enjoy myself. And if that's reading for an hour every night then so be it. 

  • Fictionalised counts can be interesting - I often go over on my head how things might have turned out if you tweak ineveff vs ent in history. So what historical eras interest you most? 

  • At the moment it's the whole French revolution and napoleon era. Yeah have you seen the man in the high tower TV series that's very interesting?

    There's so many times in history that could've changed quite easily. 

  • Going off on a tangent about rapists and violent crimes and then trying to belittle people by saying "ohhh read some books".....I wasn't measuring sod all. But you have proved my point.

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  • Well count me out. I've been on less aggressive opposing teams football forums (the irony of the title) and I apologise to Anthony as it was you who made the belittling comment about me reading some books (I worked bleedin hard to get that A-Level).. Best of luck.

  • OK, why don't we all come back tomorrow and have a proper debate then? I think that would be a much better idea. 

  • I’m just going to leave this forum I think. I’m done. Take care guys! 

  • None of it’s made up.

    Point 1 is factually accurate - check it. I made no comment about you and books and your historical wasn’t belittled. 

    Point 2 is factually accurate - see the post where you clearly imply you know more than others. For clarity I don’t consider myself better or worse than you when it comes to history. I think you know stuff I don’t and I’d hope the same is true of me. 

    Point 3 is factually - I welcomed historical input, I did agree with you on 19th century influence - both facts. I also do find you draining - subjective but you can take is as a factual representation of my opinion.

    So where’s the half I’m making up? I’ll repeat the key point in making:

    Your historical views are welcomed by me.  your attitude towards others is where my issue is.

    On that note this ‘discussion’ has no benefit for you or I. I’m sure like me you have better things to do - so let’s just agree that we clearly don’t get on very well, we both have interesting historical views and that we need to draw a line under this. 

  • You're making half of that up. I never once said I was superior to you. But I have spent lots of hours discussing this topic with a friend who indeed does have a Ph.D in history and I thought I'd contribute my opinions based on what I knew from final year project on European expansion and colonialism....clearly it wasn't welcome...I assumed you all knew what a forum was.

    1. I’ve made no comment about you and books - please stop making false assertions. I did not belittle you at any point before you started bullying get your facts straight! 
    2. You very clearly made the point that you feel you are more intelligent than others.
    3. YET AGAIN - my issue is not your opinions - it’s you. If you actually read the thread I agreed with you about the 19th century’s influence. I don’t agree with all you’ve said, equally some I feel is valid. Things only got heated from my end when you started beating on about your intelligence being greater than anyone else’s. I 
  • There you go......of course I don't.....As I say, obnoxious.

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  • No, my point was I have a different opinion to you based on what I've read on a set of events that led up to it and you both just went off on one, made belittling comments about me reading some books and have just gone off on one.

  • Yeah  we get it - your view was that you are more intelligent than anyone else. Point noted!

  • I gave my view, as should be welcomed on a thread where people don't go mad when someone disagrees and repeatedly says "it's basically chaos theory" and that anything can happen....just obnoxious.

  • Ha "ill-researched points" your thread. So much hatred. I've asked you to calm down several times....why get so upset? Yup, fed up with dealing with people who go OTT over some thread too cheers.

  • Reality? Ha... sure, ok bud! Given you claim to be so intellectual, you are off the mark- the issue isn’t your ill researched points, it’s not the fact you think an a-level constitutes an in-depth educational and knowledge base (hell why do historians get masters and PhDs when all they need is an a-level)... the problem is none of this - it’s you and your persistent bad attitude, constant attempts to bully and belittle others and generally try to bring others down. I actually welcomed your input to the discussion I just object to how you treat others.

    On that note I’m done here - The Last Leg is on and I’m not willing to expend any further effort on dealing with you.

  • Everyone has a view and are entitled to one. You made a childish comment about child rapists and then some snarky comment about "someone reading some books"...So I'm childish? I see, it's basically a "I'm right thread" and if I'm not right then it's ya.

  • Ah, so when someone points out the reality of points pick up your toys and go into a strop.

  • Daz, that’s just low and childish pulling the “I’m smarter than you” card. You may think you know everything and probably think it’s ok to attack anyone and everyone’s views because you have some kind of superiority complex going on and you know what - do as you please, I don’t know you and truthfully have no desire to change that - I’m sure this feeling is reciprocated also.

    Rashford was laying down a hypothetical which is historically plausible. Before you belittle my calling it plausible, yes I too have an A level in history (it’s one of 7 A levels I have), I’m working towards a degree in the subject and have done more hours of research in topics of history than I care to count. I’m not claiming this makes me more intelligent as I believe everyone brings their own strengths anon opinions to a discussion and we can all learn from one another.

    I’m done with this debate - thank you for killing what could haven been an interesting discussion Daz. 

  • Oh wow you're so clever correcting people on a discussion board, you must be so proud of yourself. Next time I have a hypothetical historic thought please can I run it by you as you're such an expert. This was a nice conversation and you've ruined it thanks a lot! 

  • Oh wow you're so clever correcting people on a discussion board, you must be so proud of yourself. Next time I have a hypothetical historic thought please can I run it by you as you're such an expert. This was a nice conversation and you've ruined it thanks a lot! 

  • Everyone has a view and are entitled to one. You made a childish comment about child rapists and then some snarky comment about "someone reading some books"...So I'm childish? I see, it's basically a "I'm right thread" and if I'm not right then it's ya.