How do people with ASD view God ?

How do people with ASD view God and their connection to god if any.

  • I don't really know a lot about religion.

    I'm open to the idea of God though and hope that he or she is real and we'll all to to heaven some day.

    I went to church before I lost my hearing but I don't remember much of it.

  • You are particularly right.

  • we dont have a god

  • Probably mad as a bag of cats to be honest!

    I worry about "passing on" my autism but is it really that bad? People act like autism is the end of the world but is it? I doubt myself constantly and then doubt myself for doubting myself.

  • if u have kids they will be either superhuman or mad as a bag of cats :)

  • I was raised orthodox Jewish so there's not much of our services on TV but my husband was raised Presbyterian/church of scotland (we had a humanist wedding - family readings came from our relatives who were a rabbi - reform my parents have chilled out a bit, husbands family 2 ministers, it was like a comedy of how many celebrants can one wedding have). 

    Husband will occasionally sing the odd chorus of Jerusalem when he's watching TV, I appreciate it as a nice song for the WI but it means nothing else to me.

  • when hymns and particularly carols are on tv/radio ,,,,  in my head i sing along 

  • I'm an atheist.

    The weird thing is I was raised religious and I've found it hard to let go of my religious hang ups. 

    I have a lot of hang ups around sex and sexuality. I know it's not logical but I don't like men other than my husband seeing my shoulders, knees, hair down, make up on etc. My husband is neurotypical and also an atheist who isn't the least bit possessive (from a different religion too) so he encourages me to wear shorter shorts if it's hot or buy spaghetti strap tops.

    Don't get me wrong, I love sex and I had partners before I was married but I couldn't relax and enjoy it the way I do with my husband. 

    My husband has remarked that I'm totally different now that we're married. I blame the mega religious upbringing and the autistic need to comply, if anyone else has an explanation I'd be interested to hear it.

  • almost Buddhist in thinking

  • If we are to find peace we must understand the purpose of suffering and inevitably to navigate our evolution to a higher purpose. If all fear is born from love, and we have the capacity to see that,  evil and negative pressures can be controlled across the world from within every man woman and child. He who has the knowledge of truth and holds no fear shall see the light in all the darkness. Example, " you break up with a partner your chest hurts with pain, they have treated you quite badly but it all still hurts and you are not sure how to take away the pain. Ask yourself the question Where is your fear ?  The answer is you fear that you will not be loved or have the opportunity to love. When you recognise that a very real love exists beyond the fear, you then in turn except the ultimate peace that resides within it.

  • Whats semiology?

    the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.

  • Whats semiology?

    I decided last week time doesn't exist. We just age in the present. Time is a human construct.  Do you believe there's "something"? Not necessarily God, but a power...possibly like love?

  • mixed pagan here, it makes more sense to me than than most other religions. 

  • electron coupling blows my mind !

  • To me, 'Mother Nature' and ' God' are one and the same.  They are both personifications of a creator with great power which we cannot explain

    .God, whatever that may be, cannot be the operator of us as a puppeteer operates a marionette.  Nature is a creator without form.  Both are immensely cruel and appear to lack compassion by human terms. But they also created much beauty. God though has had many atrocities committed in His name

    As a person, I appreciate and marvel at the beauty created. And in total awe at the universe, the arrangement of stars and planets, ordered and seemingly random in their movement at the same time.  And the same applies to the atomic and sub atomic. The more knowledge we get, the more mind boggling it all becomes.

    God, Nature, call it what you will.  To me it is simply a way that some have of explaining something beyond our understanding.  We can analyse the universe, have theories about its origins, try to understand atomic theory.  But nothing rational explains the why and how it all came into being. For those that believe in God as a creator that is fine and may give a meaning to their life, but taken to the extremes we see by certain religious sects religion can be an abomination..

  • that actually makes more sense, still such a marvelous job and nobody to take credit for it :P

  • The problem with the idea that something needs to create the universe is what or who creates the thing that creates the universe? 

    If we're using the logic that nothing gets 'created' from nothing, then we've already blown a hole in that logic as whoever or whatever has created something must have already existed, therefore something before our universe existed without being 'created' thus making the idea that something needs something else in order to 'create' it becomes illogical.

    Unless we say, 'Well something must have created whoever or whatever created the universe,' but then you have to find a creator of the creator of the creator...and would have to keep going on like that. 

    So somewhere along the line, something has to have come into existence without being 'created' Whether that is a 'God' or this very universe itself. 

  • Agnostic

    I suppose there has to be something that created our universe, nothing gets created on its own (except particles, or that is what we think, looks like magic), maybe its god, or gods or aliens, it does not really matter, it is very unlikely that they are interfereing now, parameters are set and they are waiting until the end of universe to get results.

  • yes, u saying that makes me start laughing, probably the funniest line of all time

  • it was the word "imposter" that stopped my mind, thanks for explaining