Autistic People can’t lie?

Hello everyone I have often heard and seen portrayed on films and T.V that autistic people find it impossible to lie which is funny to me because I’m autistic and I lie quite often only little one’s usually to get out of something I’m not comfortable with but I do often.

Is there any fellow autistics that can lie or do you find it impossible?

  • I do some magic, which is built on deceit.  So I try to keep my language as close to the truth without giving anything way. By pretending to have magical powers just feels wrong to me.  I try to concentrate on making it fun instead. 

  • I normally lie when someone wants to swap shifts or wants me to do an extra shift I’ll say something like oh I can’t I’m babysitting my nephew.

  • do not be ashamed of your past, at all.

  • As a child and a teenager, I lied a lot. 

    But looking back I think I didn't fully understand lies as I went the other way and told big huge whoppers that got me a lot of stick.

    I told big whoppers to get out of things and well they'd get found out and then I'd look like an absolute a*******! 

    But I also told lies because I was always sad and people always asked me why I was sad and I didn't have an answer other than, "I just am." but people expect a reason, a tangible reason. So I'd come out with something just so my sadness could be tangible to them. 

    Again those lies got me in a lot of trouble and misunderstandings. 

    I'm ashamed, now I look back at some of the lies I told. 

    It made me appear manipulative. But none of my lies were ever planned out schemes, but off the cuff things I said in the moment to get them off my back. because if you just answer, "I just am" Or "I don't know why" people keep pushing for answers. 

    Sometimes it was also a good way to try to explain away why I'd randomly go mute. If I could play it off as just being too sad by something tangible that happened, it made feel less weird of a person. 

    Now as an adult I find it very difficult to lie. I'm always a bit scared of lying now due the past. 

    Now if I lie, even a white lie, I am restless for the rest of the day about possibly being found out. 

    But on the other hand, I've always been 'too honest' in certain social situations that has ultimately lead to me to be seen as 'weird' or 'insensitive' and then pushed out of social any social circles I've ever managed to get myself into. 

  • What is a lie. Very difficult to define precisely, but injustices are things that I deplore and would go a long way to uphold justice and fairness. What do others feel about injustices? Are we all more extreme in our efforts to fight injustice.? 

  • I rarely lie to friends and family it’s co workers and people I barely know that I tell porkies to.

  • I like to say things how they are. I feel too bad to maliciously lie, especially to friends and family unless it is a white lie to prevent bigger problems. If I have to lie in a defensive way then I could

  • Yes I plan out in my head exactly what I’m going to say in myself lie.

  • Ohhh yeah that too. This is why if I want to tell a lie I really work on it, so it will not come back to me. It's almost always about something small, but I spend an enormous amount of time to make sure everything's gonna be fine.

  • Yes I’m just like that except I feel paranoid about lying coming back to me 

  • Okay, I just gave it a little more thought and although I do feel bad when lying that's not always the case. I feel bad when lying about an important matter or when telling lies to people I care about or even just strangers I like for some reasons. But there are individuals I can lie to without feeling guilty (people I don't like). When I know for sure that my lie doesn't hurt anyone, and is just for my own peace I don't really dwell on that. There are also lies based on a wordplay, which always seemed to be more of a joke than a real lie.

  • Yes lying always gives me anxiety afterwards definitely.

  • I can lie but I don't like it. Usually, it's caused by anxiety or when I really want to get out of something (which I think it's anxiety again). I prefer to be honest, it just feels better for me and I often do it in situations when it would be better for me to make something up. By no means I am a master of lies or anything like that, but I definitely can lie. Also, I think I should mention that in my family lies and secrets were present on a daily basis. So, growing up, I could observe all these overly complicated situations caused by lies and made up stories. When I was a kid I would do it too, cause it was something I've learnt. All this caused me to resent telling lies, but it made me understand it pretty well too.

  • That’s probably why I mostly lie through text messages I can do it in person but I always start it in a text or email.

  • What about little lies out of fear anxiety or something that would ruin my routine.

  • I’m similar to you I don’t like to lie but I do if I really want to get out of something out of fear or anxiety or something that will ruin my routine apart from that I tell the truth on everything.

  • No autistic individuals can lie I  believe people get confuse by autistic individuals lack of social understanding of recognise when to tell white lies and be extremely blunt or our occasional black and white thinking of what's the pointing in lying as it always result in a just as devastating or worse outcome.    

  • i used to lie a lot when trying to keep conversations going ---- i have stopped that now  it was creating delusions and other personalities in my mind .

    lying as such isnt bad if u are protecting someone from a truth which could hurt them --- i mum called them "white" lies which means good lies.

    I can lie during small talk at will but say in a job  interview i answer truthfully sometimes to my own detriment.

  • A bit of both for myself.

    I would say I find it very difficult to be ingenuine.

    If circumstances dictate, I can lie but I greatly prefer not to. I may lie if I feel that I or someone else would be in danger if I did not.

    By contrast, if I was being coerced into lying about something that would then lead to someone else to be hurt or significantly disadvantaged, I would find it very difficult to uphold such a lie.

    Quite often, I will prefer to tell the truth even though it may disadvantage me in some way.

    In some situations, it becomes really difficult to know whether or how much to lie/borderline lie. I know many people actively lie (either directly, by exaggeration, by omission or by taking credit for someone else's work) in job interviews. To me, this is ingenuine and I find job interviews extremely stressful as a result.