Unsure of who is a troll and who isn't?

Who is and who isn't?  Apparently my best days are behind me though! Haha. You're telling me!

  • There does seem to be a disproportionate number of trolls on here recently, unfortunately! I can only assume that the children are bored due to the holidays so they thought they’d come on here and annoy the autistics, having nothing more productive to do with their time! Good to see you on here again after a long break btw!

  • Personally i'm  hoping the guy who wants to mete out gun violence is a troll rather than a genuine Autistic.

    Thanks! Nice to see you again too!  Are you still involved in mental health nursing? I think it was either start posting here again or ringing the crisis team for me. At least i've deleted fb again. Noticed a slight benefit already.  Maybe i'll have exclusively autistic friends in the future and finally give up on NT'S.

  • Personally i'm  hoping the guy who wants to mete out gun violence is a troll rather than a genuine Autistic.

    Thanks! Nice to see you again too!  Are you still involved in mental health nursing? I think it was either start posting here again or ringing the crisis team for me. At least i've deleted fb again. Noticed a slight benefit already.  Maybe i'll have exclusively autistic friends in the future and finally give up on NT'S.

  • The best things about social life are the fleeting vignettes you (I?) can remember.  Mutual attraction. Temporarily feeling a part of things.  Feeling of acceptance whether temporary or not.  I miss all that and i could probably do better if i put my mind to it.  It would take years of hurt but i'd probably get there.

  • i polarise between two extremes of this all the time.

    one day i want to be the guy with no social anxiety, who can cast charm during speech with super cool latency, minimal delays on understanding the thread of the conversation, and semantis of sentences, and with ubercool sunglasses on that would make david hasselhoff jealous... 

    other days i watch someone for 9 minutes trying to open a door marked "pull" by pushing it, and ending up getting so angry they start kicking the door and cursing whoever locked them out, then blaming their shoemaker for their shoes not being strong enough to kick down the door eventually walking away spitting. and I wonder if maybe maybe all people are doomed here

    in the end i mostly stay in isolation. real people in the real world are a nice idea, but theyre like zebras, they look great from afar on a safari or something, but get near one and you can't understand what its saying and it looks as generic as all the other ones, and you might as well have not bothered. (imho)

  • I don't even have a perfect record of getting on fully with other Autistic's.   That's why i'm thinking "Am i misanthropic"?

    Perhaps i am too unforgiving of flaws in both myself and others? 

    Maybe in my isolation i have created the Utopia that i think the world should be and the real world can never live up to it?

    It's all leads to reclusivity for me in the end.  I long to go out in the world and be successful there.  I am missing out on literally everything positive, that the outside world could possibly offer, living like this.  But also all the negatives.

  • Think of your recoil as actually being a very human thing to do. Part of the problem with political people is that they are never really happy unless they are scoring points off of others, and making others feel ill at ease with themselves. It is a form of sadism really. Our inglorious Prime Minister is a prime example of such petty-mindedness.

    Rather than recoil though, I would suggest you really need to avoid. That might seem rather anti-social, but there really is no point in becoming the victim of people who love nothing more than to humiliate others. Starve them of opportunities for attention-seeking! You can then do things the way you want to do them, when they are not on your case. You can still listen to the banter, but avoid reacting. (It might even be quite informative.) And you are then not automatically polluted by their pollution. You can always conserve your unique viewpoint until you run up against people who are at least capable of displaying some empathy.

    In fairness, there are actually quite a few such constructive minds at work on this forum. But we all occasionally need some F2F contact with like-minded people. If I were in the UK, I would definitely have gone looking for some sort of support network by now. Nothing like that exists here.

  • There are groups that i have been to before.  I should go again.  I am worried that i'm a genuine misanthrope.  I want to be a humanist but the world makes me tend towards misanthropy.  I've started to associate humans with drama ,pain and suffering for me. I recoil from pain and suffering.  Therefore i recoil from humans.

  • Oh! I didn’t see the thread about gun violence!

    I still do the odd shift in the dementia nursing homes. I don’t work too much, largely because I have two young children and my youngest daughter who is nearly 3 was also diagnosed as autistic in August, she’s still pre-verbal apart from the odd word so I need to be mostly at home for my children. My husband works full time hours as a MH nurse so I can only work when he’s at home to look after the children.

    Sorry to hear that you came close to needing to ring the crisis team, what happened? Tbh since my diagnosis at the end of last year, I mostly do have autistic friends, which works a lot better. I started a local social group for autistic ladies back in March which helps with linking up with other autistic women and helping them to do the same. Are there any autism social groups near you that you could attend?