Protesting against Donald Trump


I wonder if anyone on the spectrum is planning to protest against Donald trump's planed visit in June? I would like to show how much I do not agree with his politics but am worried as I suffer with noise sensitivity so will pack the ear defenders. it would be nice to be around people on the spectrum for support. Thank you.

  • Are you sure you want to hear good things about Donald Trump? My friends, particularly my friends from America, who hate him, are not open to hearing all about his good points and what he’s attempting to do and you don’t sound like your in the mood to hear good stuff about him either. I could be wrong of course, but that’s the sense I get, as if you’ve already made your mind up about him to the degree you have even been calling him names.  You also said you don’t take any notice of what is said in the media but how did you find out about the travel ban on people from Muslim countries if it wasn’t the media? I just get the sense that because you don’t like him, you wouldn’t be able to have an open discussion about him. You’re already questioning how a person with excellent communication skills and who is committed to his values etc could be a good statesman, so I could be wrong but you sound like you have really strong emotions about him and that you have already made your mind up about him, even  beyond him being the president of the United States, it’s like you  dislike him on some kind of personal level. I don’t know how anybody expects peace in the world when they can’t even support our leaders. 

    It’s everything to do with word twisting, or at least it was according to you, only very recently.  When I was attempting to understand you and talk to you, you said I was twisting your words and you ended the conversation dead, like I wasn’t even an active participant in it, so forgive me if I’m a little nervous to continue communicating with you. 

    And I’m not making any assertions, I simply happen to like what he’s doing, I have friends who follow him closely and they’re my current source of information as it’s not a hot topic for me right now, as I have other more important matters to attend to. The proof will be in the pudding. I had no doubt he would win the election and I have no doubt he’ll be reelected, but we will have to see. 

  • I really don't have the time to type pages of information - but your position is clear so nothing I say will convince you.

  • Travel ban on people with questionable links - nothing to do with muslims - the same policy Obozo put in place.  Deliberate media spin & lies.

    Climate change - a huge scam - if you follow it down the chain, it's all about cash - nothing is recycled - it just gets transported at great cost and dumped into the 3rd world.

    Etc. Etc.

  • So kindly tell us what we're all missing.  Fill in the gaps in our knowledge.  Correct the misinformation.

  • Kindly tell me the first hand knowledge, please.  I, too, have travelled extensively in the States in recent years.  That travel alone doesn't give me the basis for expertise.  What are we all missing?  Take your time to give a full and extensive list, please.

  • But if you make the assertion that what he's attempting to do blows your mind, and it's never spoken about in the media, then it strongly implies a) that you know what he's attempting to do and b) you know more than the media does (though I can't think of any thinking person who would trust what the media says, anyway).

    I was recently updated on what he’s doing and honestly, it blows my mind

    Again, do tell about your updates.  Can you give some details as to his kindness and generosity, how being a tee-totaller and committed to religious beliefs has anything to do with being a great statesman, how he's great at communication, etc.  There are many, many things that could be cited on the other side.  I won't bore you or anyone else with all of them.  But maybe just a few: the travel ban on people from Muslim-majority countries; the signing of the proclamation recognising Israel's sovereignty over the Golan Heights against world opinion (let's not forget the land-grab and ethnic cleansing which followed the Six Day War, and sorry if that comes across as 'anti-semitic', which it certainly isn't); withdrawal from the Paris agreement on climate change (the biggest threat posed to the planet).  Nothing to do with word-twisting or differences of communication.  Just straight questions raised by the things you've said.

  • I’m not sure I can speak confidently enough about his plans and do them justice, at present,  as my mind is currently focused on my course work and my autism and learning how to make the most of it, which is a lot of hard work and takes up a lot of my energy, but no politician to date has even attempted to achieve what he’s doing right now. He’s an amazing man, very generous, kind, a tea totaler, very committed to his religious beliefs, a great communicator and businessman and so much more and he was loved and admired by most of America before he became a politician. He was a public figure long before he became a politician and nobody accused him then of the things they now accuse him of. I was recently updated on what he’s doing and honestly, it blows my mind and if he pulls it off, the whole world will soon know about it, unless the media manages to keep that out of the papers as well or do what the media does best and only report snippets and from one or two particular angles. Besides, I thought we had established that my way of communicating doesn’t meet with yours, you think I twist your words etc so I don’t think this, or any other topic to be fair, is good for you and I to discuss. I’m not quite sure why you would speak to me at all really, when you think I twist your words and after you made it quite clear that you end conversations when you no longer wish to continue and that’s not a basis on which I communicate with people as the power imbalance in that type of communication doesn’t suit me. Maybe somebody else can update you. 

  • Because the comparison between UK 'news' and the reality of US news is startling.  I actually quite liked the balanced views of most of their news (excepting CNN & Fox).

  • Then you know nothing first hand?  Great basis for decision making.

  • People in the UK have NO CLUE about Trump

    Big assertion.  How do you know this?

  • he blows my mind with what he’s attempting to do, which is never spoke about in the media

    Speak about it, please.  Give us the low-down on his great plans.

  • Yep.  I know a fair bit about Trump too from my connections in the States, and from past observation.  Absolutely despise and detest the man.  So will certainly be adding my voice to the protest.  You don't have to read the media.  You just have to hear what he says and read his Tweets.  Racist, mysogynist, clueless, dangerous.

    Media manipulation applies to many figures.  Witness Jeremy Corbyn, Bernie Sanders, etc.

  • People in the UK have NO CLUE about Trump - only the outrageous fake news spread by our media.

    I travel to the US a lot - and most people over there think he's doing a great job - he's a cert for 2020.

    If you are so easy to manipulate by people with vested interests, then have a great time.

  • I’m on the other end of the spectrum and would love to meet him. I’ve followed him for years, long before he began his presidency campaign, and although I don’t follow him too closely at present, I do get updated with what he’s doing and he blows my mind with what he’s attempting to do, which is never spoke about in the media. I would definitely make sure you have supportive people with you though and an easy exit route should things get too much, as he seems to stir up a lot of emotions in people so it could get a bit hectic, but with good planning and preparation etc and  if you’ve got some good friends with you who are willing to support you, then it will probably still be quite stressful but if it’s important to you, then I would say, plan well, prepare for recovery and go for it.