processing diagnosis


So I am not actually sure what I am looking for but I guess a bit of reassurance that what am feeling is normal.

I opted for a private diagnosis, I  had my initial assessment on Friday,  on the way to the appointment I was very anxious but during the appointment I was okay, the conclusion I had quite a few autistic traits and if a proceed to a  full diagnosis mostly on the spectrum.

Even though it was what I was hoping for, I finally have an answer to why I am the way I am, and that my struggles are real and normal for an autistic person.

I should be happy but am not (I was recovering from a burn out and doing much better) but I am starting to feeling down again, I guess from the realisation I am not gonna snap out of it maybe, not quite sure, but since that appointment feeling alittle lost, When I did not think it would effect me,

  • I was diagnosed last October and, in spite of thinking that I would have wholly positive feelings, it's so far been very mixed.  I think that I naively thought that, since my main motivation in getting a diagnosis was to find out whether autism was in our family and thereby be in a better position to help my sons, my own feelings were secondary.  But in fact when they told me I could feel my eyes welling up, it seemed so momentous.

    Overall I would still say that I feel more positive than negative but it feels as though my mind is reshuffling itself in the light of this new information.  And it might take a while to process it.  I don't think there are any "shoulds" when it comes to these feelings.  I'm like a system that's gone offline.  Reprocessing...  Reprocessing...

  • I thought I would be utterly delighted the day I got my diagnosis. I was astonished to find that I didn't feel anything. And I absolutely was not expecting what was to follow. After I got the diagnosis I went on an incredible roller coaster of a journey. I was not expecting it at all. But with lots of support from any support worker I could get my hands on, lol, I am slowly starting to integrate all that I've learned over the last 15 months since I got my diagnosis. 

    it's been crazy and I so wasn't expecting it but I'm getting comfortable with it all now and now I'm working on more practical matters with my autism worker, such as re-building routines, but this time, ones that support my dreams and goals and enable me to live comfortably, as me. It took some working out and it's been one hell of a journey, but it has all been worth it. They say that on average it takes 3 years, I think they say, to come to terms with the diagnosis, so I have done pretty well according to that estimation although I'm still not fully up and running yet, post diagnosis and post burnout.

  • I guess will take time a lot of time then, not sure what gave me the idea I will be okay once I got answers.,Gyms really good I need to start again myself I did used to go and found it helped me with anxiety.

  • True I guess it is lot to process mentally, I was just naïve enough to think it wouldn't effect me other then in a positive way of finally understanding myself.

  • Hi, I was diagnosis with A.S.D in September last year..Am still getting my head around it all as it took a hell of of a long time. to try and find out. if only i was diagnosis as a young child. but this was propl now much talk about back in the 70`s or 80`s then i would understand more and things might of turn out different. i just try to carry on as normal. ive got no one only family and i go to gym nearly everyday, just to get out of the flat. i am thinking of joining a group for A.S.D but am not so good with communicating only to the people around me and friends. i see

  • I haven't had my final assessment yet, but somehow I always imagined I will be sad if I do get a positive diagnosis. And there are so many reasons for it. Firstly, it will be a big change. Next, I will be sad that it took so long to get a diagnosis, and life would have been easier if I was diagnosed as a child. And furthermore, I would be having a lot of extra burden having to decide carefully to whom I disclose this information.

    I think logically, getting a diagnosis wouldn't change anything about who you are, as it's just extra information. But it could have a large impact on how you feel for various reasons.