5 Days left to live. What would you do?

I am potentially at huge risk from midday, next Wednesday. If you only had 5 days left to BE, to EXIST, what would you do? 

  • And why not enjoy every day you have on this planet as we never know which one will be our last? 

    Because life simply isn't like that for huge numbers of people.  Why would people commit suicide if every day of their lives was enjoyable?

  • As for Elli, I'm doing as much for her as I can right now, if I was to start worrying, I'd never get anything done and I'd be of no help or support to her but as it is, it looks like I'll be able to get up to see her very soon. 

    Yes, and being incredibly lovely and helpful  :) - I usually have a clear and logical head.... but sometimes if my logic seems to fail me or a clear view is not seen...then I can panic a bit!

    Lots of anxiety dreams last night... clear attempts this morning to move things forward...

    the wave and the undertow.... :)

  • Worrying is just one of many reactions a person can have to a problem or problems.

    Personally, I found that when I worried, I didn't solve my problems, in fact, they somehow felt worse, it was like all I could think about was the problem and never the solution, that didn't even come into it! When I realised that worrying wasn't helping me, I stopped and found I was much more able to solve my problems when I wasn't spending all of my time worrying. So I would say, the more problems people have, the less they should worry as they will get much further in solving their problems if their minds are free from worry and therefore free to solve problems. 

    But maybe it's just me, I'm pretty intense so when I used to worry, the worries would almost take over my life. I'm sure I even worried when I was asleep, and honestly, some days, it was all I could do, I would worry all day long. Can you imagine! I would be all day going over and over the problem! Insane! So maybe it's just me, and worrying isn't so intense for other people and maybe then it's a helpful strategy for solving problems. It just didn't work for me that's all, so I found other more effective methods to solving problems. 

    As for Elli, I'm doing as much for her as I can right now, if I was to start worrying, I'd never get anything done and I'd be of no help or support to her but as it is, it looks like I'll be able to get up to see her very soon. 

  • I guess some of us have much more to worry about in our lives than others, BlueRay.  Just thinking 'Oh, I'll choose not to worry about anything any more' doesn't always cut it.

    Meantime, I'm worried about Ellie.  Or maybe I should say actively concerned.

  • I'm coming to find you if it happens DC ~ I'll make the cuppas and provide you with choci bickies and anything and everything else you might need, while you work hard to crack the code then I'll help you tell the people that you've saved our beautiful planet earth.

    Phew ~ I feel like I've just lived those five days ~ I'm tired, but super relieved you did it ~ you saved the world ~ my hero Relaxed

  • Why worry about anything serious anyway? What exactly does worry add to the situation? Just curious  ~ does it help in a way that if you didn't worry the solutions would never be found? It's just that for me, I found that if I worried about a situation, it didn't change anything and I couldn't find a solution because my head was too full of worries. So I gave it up and don't bother with it anymore. 

    And why not enjoy every day you have on this planet as we never know which one will be our last? 

    I find it curious that people would enjoy five days but not the whole of their lives! 

  • Yes, this makes perfect sense to me, and it would be a very noble and altruistic way to spend your last five days. I suppose, in a way, this is what climate change campaigners are trying to do...

    I often wonder what future generations will think about us. We look back with horror on children being forced up chimneys, but there are plenty of indefensible things happening now. The detention and abuse of autistic people in Assessment and Treatment Units comes to mind....

    Perhaps my next job should have a campaigning element - I feel the need to do more to change things. I have become politically active again, and I will be raising awareness of period poverty on National Women's Day. My party is doing some yarn bombing. I am also considering dressing up as a giant tampon, but that might be a step too far for my comrades!  

  • ...I am with the people who worry about such a Post from Miss Elephant...

    ...But to answer the question, myself... I would spend the time researching as much as possible about what was about to cause the, um, "finish"; And then calculate methods of preventing it; And then try to Publish/Broadcast / make Public the results of my findings... before I was, um, "finished". Then it could never be said of myself thereafter that I did not at least TRY.

    (The point being there, is that it is not my fault if others do not understand or care.)

    ...Looking back upon what I just Posted however, I wonder if anyone else understood it...!


  • Hide somewhere safe with the people that matter to me. Seriously Ellie I am worrying  about you now. Do let me know if you need any help. 

  • Go on the holiday of a lifetime. Why worry about anything serious if I only have 5 days left? May as well enjoy them as much as I can.

    Hope all is ok? Huge risk doesn't sound good!

  • Put my affairs in order and go on a binge.  Seriously.

    Seriously, too - why are you at huge risk from next Wednesday midday?

  • Exactly what I’m doing now. I started to ask myself a similar question, several years ago, copied from Steve Jobs. I ask myself regularly, if today was my last day on earth, would I be doing what I’m doing now? And if I say no, more than three times in a row, I change what I’m doing. 

    For several months I also used to ask myself, several times a day, maybe hundreds of times a day, every day, day in day out, for many months, am I at ease in what I’m doing now? And when I wasn’t, I simply stopped what I was doing and I would do whatever I needed to do to bring ease back into my life. Now, I notice when I’m not at ease, without me having to continually ask myself and I stop and usually it’s the thoughts that I’m thinking and believing at that time that have taken me out of the state of ease. It was hard work when I first started to practice it but it has stood me in good stead, it was worth the effort.