
I feel like I really should change my name on here so it no longer comes up as a number. Problem is I really don't like nicknames very much and don't want it to be anything to do with my actual name. How do people come up with their names? Some of them are so clever.

  • I only started this post for some inspiration but I'm enjoying finding out why people picked the names that they did. Its fascinating.

  • So sorry to see the photo with the shed door hanging off... nice to see the photos of the produce.

    I'm like your mother was in that I would rather look after the garden than the house. My happiest time was living in a basement which was like a cave at the back (bedroom had no windows). It was then I started growing plants in pots on the steps.

    A garden like you describe is a lot of work. Mine is semi wild currently due to my ankle problem. I console myself because it is good for wildlife when overgrown.

    Sometimes it is good when life moves on and you get different surroundings. I could not imagine moving away from our last house until the neighbours from hell moved in next door! Constant swearing, loud machinery and fumes. Intolerable. 

  • Thanks so much for that hug! Sending one right back () I was amused by a statue on eBay which the seller had called 'Viking Worrier' I'm a worrier as well as a warrior! Stand up to injustice but hate fighting! 

  • i had an aunty who called me a giddykipper hence my nickname screen names etc have always been giddy or giddykipper

  • Thank you sunflower having read my words over it looks like I am some kind of saviour,,, not my intention, I am who I am, I react to how I feel, at times I react but the person I am trying to protect may not want or need me too,  I used to hold back, in life that is, 

    Now I just want to be me and if that works then fine, Having lead a long life trying to think how to react or adjust to fit how I think I should has done me no favours, Now I dress how I feel comfortable, I talk to anyone I think has humanity and can see that different isn’t always wrong. 

    The new me tentatively emerges, oh yes it can be very nerve wracking, always wondering will they react negatively when I suddenly start talking about my interests, or complimenting them for their smart dress code or just being polite, these things matter to me, we are all human beings, we need to learn to just get in, help others and enjoy living a rewarding life.

     I fear society has lost it way, fuelled by must have attitudes,, instant gratification, to be better than the next man, 

    thank you for the kind words, and as I have given Binary a virtual hug may I take this opportunity to offer you the same? It came about as I tried to find out why I never liked hugging, it scared me, I hated it, but realising it was a common thing with ASD people I reasoned it could be ok to hug if I felt it was the right thing to do, 

    oh yes I am a complex individual,,, 

    • heres the virtual hug for you ( )
  • Welcome on board Binary glad to see you chose a brilliant name. 

    On here we encourage discussion, it works because we all have issues of some kind, but most importantly we do not judge anyone, it works, 

    feel free to say whatever you want,,, just be YOU and you will fit in nicely,

    I used to offer a free virtual hug when I first joined here, I have lapsed lately , and although you are under no obligation to accept it I shall put it here just in case it comes in handy, ( ) aspie hug in characters,

  • I'm in a first floor flat now.  With no green space of my own.

    And i am not going to grow sunflowers indoors.

    I've had enough of gardening.  

    My late mother was the real Gardner, caring more about the garden than the house.  We grew our own potatoes, onions, apples, cucumbers. Berries. The house was on a corner with a very large garden.  When my father passed away, the two of of just managed.  Then when my mother got much older and weaker I did everything on my own.  Not just gardening but dealing with nutty neighbors, burglary attempts and everything.   

    Our garden shed one morning.

    Apple harvest

  • Right thanks for your help everyone. I've decided to go with Binary. I like maths, I like computers and I like things that can only be right or wrong (no confusing middle bit). So binary fits the criteria.

  • I prefer numbers to words. Words aren't really my strong point. Neither are decisions. Think that's why I am finding this so hard.

  • This is my favourite reason so far.

  • I had been super lazy coming up with my nickname, I just used the first five letters on the top row of the keyboard.

  • This is really fascinating Lonewarrior - I have already noticed how supportive you are to people in this online community and I can imagine you stepping in to protect them. It make me feeler safer knowing you are here.

    I got into trouble with my boss recently when I reported an accident at work. I was following company policy and procedures (and indeed H&S legislation) but I knew she'd be annoyed. Something  she said could't be fixed for weeks was tmended overnight but things have been difficult since.

    Your description of fighting lost battles and standing up against injustice, misjudgment and unfair treatment of others is very familiar. I usually agonise before saying something because I know it will almost certainly backfire on me, but standing by and doing nothing is so much worse. 

    A warrior protector is a wonderful thing to be! 

  • What amazing photos - thank you so much for sharing these. How lovely that you managed to capture bees feeding on them! 

    Your sunflowers were enormous - my tallest is only about 10ft (still can't do metres!) but it has an amazing head. I have left it so the birds can eat the seeds. 

    I have been looking at photos of my mum recently. Bittersweet memories. I am starting to wonder about the reason we've never been that close. Perhaps autism was a factor. Seems likely. 

    Do you have access to any outdoor space where you could grow sunflowers now? 

  • Just think of an interest you have or a favourite character from fiction, a comic, or television.

    It doesnt have to be clever, but if you can think of a pun it may raise a smile.  Just dont worry about it, any name looks better than a number. Which makes me think of several possibilities on its own!

  • Beuatiful pictures Robert, or should that be BOB Lol.

    Sunflowers are great fun to grow, I have never grown any, but my sister used to grow them, the seeds were harvested to feed my dads exotics, he had many large avery’s, mostly budgies he bred, he used to breed them and sell them to pet shops and anyone who wanted to buy one, The mist he had was around fourty, we had chickens , little bantams, rabbits, guinea pigs, a minor bird that had a very good selection of words and a cough, love birds, red rumps, , zebra finches, .

    Your mum in the pictures dressed like my mum,,, lovely pictures though, thank you. 

  • I used to grow sunflowers for many years at my previous house.

  • My name on here was chosen by me as it described how I felt  on a completely different kind of forum, would you believe a forum for questions and guidance relating to health and safety!

    I had successfully completed a training coarse on safety and decided I had to find out everything I could about the subject,, typical behaviour for me and probably quite a few other ASD folk on here, 

    I wasn’t appreciated where I worked as it looked like I was causing extra work, trying to get the men on board with improving things was not welcomed, trying my best to advise my bosses as to why it would benefit them in the long term, it seemed I was fighting a lost battle hence warrior, and I felt alone in my pursuit,,, so lonewarrior it was, and I just carried it over to here, 

    I have been called a warrior protector a few times on here, I stand up for anyone I see as being misjudged or if I think someone is being unfairly treated or an injustice is taking place I try my best to show the perpetrator the error of their ways, I try not  to get involved and maybe I self appoint  myself to judge others, I get carried away by seeing it isn’t right or fair, 

    I just can’t sit back and do nothing, can I?

  • i chose my name because: 

    • It's the first year I've beaten the slugs and grown sunflowers
    • I love the way their happy faces turn and face toward the sun
    • Their seeds are in spirals which follow the Fibonacci sequence 

    I look forward to seeing the name you decide on!