Mini rant

I know ranting won't change or achieve anything, but I feel I just need to get this off my chest before I end up screaming at someone.

Why are people so bloody selfish and impulsive?  It drives me crackers as I fail to understand the logic behind it.  When I spend more time on my own, it's then that I realise how much I bottle up the frustrations other people cause me.

For example, I have been away from home recently and I live in a row of houses where we all have one parking space and there is a small path access to the houses.  On returning home I have realised that the neighbors have for some reason have taken upon themselves to battle amongst themselves to slowly try and conquer the parking area, by parking over their areas, having more than one car in the parking area and generally causing havoc.  No one will confront each other and instead they keep playing this pointless game like chess, taking it in turn to make moves to block each other in/take over the area.  Because I haven't been around to witness this full game play out, my parking spot has now been consumed and the access path to my house blocked by bins and plant pots.  It is all pointless and ridiculous.  Everyone knows what they are entitled to and agreed to that when choosing to live in their house - I wish they would just respect everyone's rights and none of this nonsense would be happening.

On top of this I then have multiple people putting their impulsive actions upon me when I have made it clear I have made plans - if I don't drop everything to go ahead with their new whim/decision that has appeared out of the blue, I am made to feel guilty or selfish.  This often happens when I am feeling particularly burnout and just want to relax and unwind.  I have made plans - to relax, why is that so hard for anyone to understand and respect.  Then there is the disrespect on our personal spaces.  I like to keep my environment in a particular way to feel calm and relaxed, but other people don't seem to respect this and insist on messing things up, moving things and generally meddling.  Eurgh - people should learn to respect people's things, spaces and rights more.  Rant over!  :-)

  • There is a dark side to you Starbuck. I am making a mental note to self not to upset you!! Joy 

  • Glad it brought some enjoyment to your day.  I can also relate to your postman issue.  There is a courier that for some reason finds it too difficult to operate a simple wooden gate.  It is quite clear which way the gate opens due to the hinges and placement of the latch, yet for some reason this particular courier continued to wrestle with my gate to force it open the wrong way until they actually damaged the latch through brute force....

    I ended up putting a stronger latch and metal stop plate on the gate to stop them wrestling with it - my hope was they might go at it full pelt and end up smacking themselves in the face as they try to open it the wrong way.  Sometimes you have to learn the hard way!

  • My current annoyance is the postman who refuses to close the front gate when delivering mail.  Always leaves it wide open.  I am slowly moving to the point of putting a sign on the front of the house saying "Why do you find it so hard to close the gate???".  I am forever going out and closing it.  As for chimps fighting over territory, I try to ignore it, it's a waste of energy.

    Starbuck, your rant was enjoyable to read and so true.

  • Yes I think you are right Ellie, although I have been working harder to focus on my own needs lately, which has helped me, but I fear it has left others feeling neglected in a number of ways.  It's hard to strike a balance.

  • You are negating your own needs and feel guilty for having them.. I do it myself ... working around everyone else’s plans and you quieting imploding :( 

  • Get the psyche and hope you’re kindof spiraling Into a .more secure burrow. It’s ok to worry about you and not worry about others as well x

  • I'm less ranty, more irritable today.  Smallest thing seems to be pushing me closer to the edge and verging on flipping out.

    This is usually a sign I am more tired than I think I am and possibly about to go into a phase of burnout.  I find it harder to keep the mask on, so the no filter, blunt, honest me instead creeps out and verbally attacks someone with no warning.  Not a good place to be really.

    I think it is more to do with when I hit these stages I rely on my routine and predictability more than usual, but instead I am dancing around everyone else's impulsive decisions and poor time management that puts me in a state of constant flux with my energy levels and processing - it's exhausting!  How do people operate like this normally?!

    In the whirlwind of doing the usual family get togethers and working round everyone else's plans, the rush from one thing to the next with no set time has left me frazzled and I have accidentally left my Mirtazapine at another house, so now I am stressing over that as well.  Tomorrow is another day as they say, I just hope it is less exhausting and more predictable.

    How are you anyway Ellie?

  • ...I hope thinking I meant putting the neighbours themselves up their own exhaust pipes..I’ve tried that before and their heads are too big.

  • Are you still feeling a bit ranty today? Or just a bit hoppy Starbucks?

  • I won't. If you are going to do that you are better off using a potato. On the old cars it used to cause them splutter and some would even fire the potato out.....not that I tried on my old campervan. Ahem!

    I'm sure the results wouldn't be as impressive on a modern car. A warning light would probably come on the dash and it would fail to start and that would be it. 

  • please don’t revert to putting them up the exhaust pipes 

  • Well that's it then -  I must visit the supermarket to purchase a stack load of bananas to distract the neighbors!  Maybe this is how I can add a plot twist to the drama.  Resident resorts to lobbing bananas at neighbors over territorial disputes.....I can see the headlines now.

  • Yes I think you hit the nail on the head so to speak.  I expected for things to be as I left them, but alas, everyone has had their turn at stirring the pot of drama and adding to the complex mix.

    I take it things haven't gone to plan for you either then?  Is as a result of someone promising something only for it to not manifest?

  • It depends really, paragraph one generally as it's just nonsensical to me and when I try and confront the neighbors, they all have their 'reasons' for their actions.  The second element is more because I am feeling tired and burn out so my filter that stops me from saying what I think is wearing thin.  I can usually tolerate these things up to a point, but today is not one of those days

  • It is not my theory... but nor am I an angel 

  • I'm not sure a human brain is more level headed. I've studied both and I see no differences. Chimps spend all day playing politics and plotting how to screw each other over for a bit of food or political power. This is common in animals that live in groups where an excess of food means they have lots of spare time on their hands.

    The devil finds work.....

  • The chimp brain is a hyperactive, animalistic flurry of emotions, the human brain is much more level-headed and calculated, and the computer brain works as a repository for memories and pre-learned actions.

  • Yes - when put under stress, people revert to a baser form.

  • The Chimp Paradox