• RE: Sensory overload to sound

    i am pretty sensitive to sound --- i carry rubber earplugs in my pocket all the time - i have many headphone sets.  I also have eardefenders with a built in radio for really loud sounds or when i want to stop all external sound. 

  • RE: Ayup! – I’ve been sent down the A-Road by my employer

    I tried wearing bose noise-cancelling headphones and also wore earplugs underneath when working in an open plan office. It didn't work for me as it simply minimised the noise where I needed no noise but it could be something to try.

  • RE: Struggling with work's training

    Earplugs may help, but don't want to draw attention to myself as the only autistic person in the session. I'm very self-conscious about being in there in the first place and headphones would be like waving a flag. Good advice though, thanks.

  • RE: Reasonable Adjustments

    In my case reasonable adjustment is that nobody makes any stupid comments about me wearing earplugs in certain situations at work and I get warned, whenever my colleagues have something noisy to do, to cover my ears. I sit in the office with my colleagues…

  • RE: I can’t shut out background noise

    That’s perfect!  I usually wear either noise cancelling headphones or foam earplugs but these look like they would be perfect for a work environment.  Thank you for posting!  This is why I joined the forum because there is so much knowledge between…

  • RE: Coping With an Event - Any Tips?

    Thank you. I love the idea of the tshirt. I'd not thought of having something like a fidget spinner to dieflect my stress so I appreciate that idea. I'll make sure my mp3 is fully charged, too, as I use that instead of earplugs.

  • RE: How to cope in a noisy environment

    This is new to me too. Look at my profile here. I have Asbergers. I'm 44. A couple of weeks ago my world was totally different. Music is only one distraction. Modern life is full of beeps and bleeps too. Earplugs are at least discreet.

  • RE: flying !!

    Good adice there. Soft earplugs are essential and favourite music on headhones while boarding can make it less stressful. I get myself lost in something on the Ipad while on planes.

    Detest Planes, but its do able if you plan and allow recovery time.

  • My son says ear defenders or ear plugs don’t work.

    Hi, my son says the classroom is too noisy but he refuses to wear ear defenders or earplugs as he says they don’t work. I’m finding it difficult to try and help him with this situation if he won’t wear them. Anyone else had this issue?…

  • Hello - Looking For Help Please

    Diagnosed ASD in 2019.

    Had zero help or support.

    No local support groups available.

    Struggling desperately with outside/external noise.

    Stuck in house.

    Having to use earplugs + noise-cancelling headphones at same time, pretty much all the time.

    Does anyone…