A fascinating topic. I cant quite figure out all of this but one thing I would say is that as well as being manipulated into hatred we are also being manipulated into fear. 

    If you look at the news in the last few years, we are constantly being made to…

  • RE: Hi - New member, asking for Help or Advice please...

    Welcome to the forum.

    I think you're quite right to be concerned. Of course, we can't diagnose anyone over the internet, but the things that you've pointed out are consistent with autism or some other developmental condition. It's also not unusual for…

  • RE: Bits and bobs, this and that

    I've been cooking today,

    That is one of the great things about this time of the year in the UK - so much fruit and veg is appearing in the markets at low prices so you can do lots of this sort of thing.

    I love to do big batches of…

  • RE: Accommodations at university?

    A few of my experiences, good and bad, which may inspire some useful adaptations:

    I didn't get diagnosed until aged 30 so went through my undergrad at uni not knowing why I found it so miserable. Fortunately, we didn't have 'seminars' and 'tutorials'…

  • Afraid as a child

    I was very afraid being left alone when I was a child. My mom tells me I checked if she was home every 15 minutes when I was out playing outside our flat when I was like 3 years old. I really remember when I was maybe 2-3 sitting in the shopping trolley…

  • Seeking advice on breakup with my autistic Girlfriend


    For the last year, I’ve been in a long-distance relationship with a girl with high-functioning autism. I wasn’t ever really told how severe it was by her or her parents but she was allegeable for a car in the UK through the government scheme for people…

  • RE: When to pull the cord? Parents of ADHD/ Aspie 19 yo need help transitioning him to independence

    Autistic people tend to be late developers - but I suspect the fact you're doing everything for him means he's still 8 years old in his mind.   As he's on a degree course, is he actually able to do all the work or is he going off the rails? 

  • RE: ASD Child Sleeping with pillow on head

    I feel it’s maybe an anxiety comfort thing but I am going to have to put a stop to the pillow not being in the exact place he needs it

    It will be tough, but you need to wean him off this ritual.

    When I talked about tiring him out I was thinking…

  • RE: Why do I always seem to do this? D'oh

    I literally forget everything:

    I forgot where I’ve put things that I currently have in my hand.

    I forgot to vacuum when I have placed it in front of the TV that I am watching (it becomes part of the acceptable environment),

    I forget things that…

  • How do I revise for my GCSEs when I don't care about the subject matter?


    I'm really struggling at the moment with my GCSEs coming up. I've been doing my best in class but I really struggle due to my various conditions (AuDHD, chronic pain, anxiety, etc) to stay in there. I've been put on independent study in my school…