• RE: Julian Assange

    Hi Dave

    I think if you're writing a book about yourself and your experiences, as a cathartic experience, it might help you get it out of your system - but to be honest, it was years ago, you're not well known about, your case was minor league (in the…

  • RE: tips on how to deal with psoriasis

    Hi Lost0ne, I've had psoriasis since I was 7 now I'm 47, you're right most of the time natural is best, but can I just add everyone has a trigger for it, sugar, alcohol, hormones etc. I did cut out sugar and alcohol but it did'nt do much, now I know its…

  • help for single mum with autistic teenager

    Hi Folks

    I am a newbie to any forums, I have just got to the stage I need advice, and don't know where to turn.  Please excuse any mistakes  I might make.  

    My daughter was diagnosed at about 15 as being on the ASD spectrum.  Since then we have had no…

  • RE: Weeny Peeves

    More "Weeny Peeves"... not sure if I should continue this Thread, though.

    When running a Cold bath ( - yes, "Cold", not hot - ), sometimes the resultant bath turns out to be steaming Hot. Nothing to do with the time of year, either.…

  • How much can you actually hear under a meltdown??

     So I'd like to start off that I've finally been officially diagnosed (good lawd, finally!!), although was aware that I'm very likely to be on the spectrum for a while now and viewed myself as an aspie girl for at least a year.

     My little Cousin…

  • RE: Fear and pain

    Thanks for the reply, not entirely sure what you want to know, but here goes. 

    I live alone, always been quite independent, left home at 16 and worked for many years as well as done college/university.  Parents divorced when young, was never close to my…

  • Late diagnosis - feel like I'm grieving a life that could've been

    I got my formal diagnosis a few months ago at the age of 26 and whilst it felt so validating to finally understand myself, I also can't help but feel a huge sense of grief for the life that I could've had if I was diagnosed earlier.

    I was a 'fast…

  • RE: Scared

    I understand that Tom. I’m thinking I’ll be back in work by May, and once or twice a sense of fear has rose up in me, at the thought of working again. 

    Maybe give it a go. What’s done is done, but this time, continue as you are now, being mindful…

  • RE: Which job sectors do people work in ?

    My natural talents lead me towards the technical and information technology, but I have never had what might be called a "career". Holding down a job long term has so far proved impossible - I have always been floored by severe burn-outs eventually. Since…

  • RE: I am having trouble accepting my diagnosis, because I present unusually even considering the disorder is a spectrum.

    Interesting that you mention being from Bolton, but now live in the South West, which do you prefer? I was born & raised in the North West, then moved around quite a bit for work. Before moving back home to Manchester though, I worked in London for almost…