• RE: Jehovah's Witnesses with ASD

    Hi Longman

    I think where it depends where on the spectrum people are as to how they might make their observations. There’s also the element of conditioning, those of us at the higher functioning end of the spectrum have learnt to conform to get on in life…

  • RE: Does your 'inner secretary' go on strike?

    OMG! I get this too!!! This makes total sense!! I wasn't sure if it was peri-menopause or ASD!!! (I am waiting Adult ASD assessment/diagnosis) I know EXACTLY what you mean ('inner secretary' - great description BTW).

    I have seen a massive…

  • Approaching 60...

    I've come to a point in my life where, after looking back over it - at the things that have happened, the things I've done and not done, the things I've achieved and not achieved - I can begin to make a reasonable judgment about what's likely to happen…

  • RE: Emotional during movies.

    Yes, this has happened to me quite a lot, and often with the most unexpected things and at unexpected times. It happens much less with TV and movies because I haven't indulged in either of those things for many years, but it can happen when I'm reading…

  • RE: Wanting the age for being an adult to be lowered from age 18 in all countries

    Well said , dating isn't easy for young females either.

    When I was in my late teens and 20s, I had very low self-esteem - I was undiagnosed, kept thinking there's something "wrong" with me, and didn't have great parenting, so I…

  • RE: Are you avoiding any group activity?

    I'm not sure I should admit this, given how people here feel about the DWP, but...

    Part of the reason that I dread going there so much is that I had a couple of melt-downs in the same office...

    ...while I was working there!

    It's a long time ago now…

  • Prelude to the end of my winter hibernation!

    Hello everyone!

    It's been quite a while since I've haunted the forums, but I saw a post or two that elicited a twinge of missing the place, so I thought I'd pop my head out from under my duvet (or possibly from somewhere rather more apocryphal!) So, hello…

  • RE: Lack of understanding from friends and family

    I wish it was possible to have more of an insight into your life, but I can only share my own experiences.

    I found I became trapped with a desperate need to be seen as like everyone else that I would accept pretty much any level of toxicity in a friendship…

  • Anxiety

    My anxiety is getting worse I feel like I'm at breaking point. I'm always terrified. I'm always fearing the worst. I feel the urge to wash my hands all the time, I wake up in the middle of the night and wash them. They are very very red and painful now…

  • RE: People with autism can hear more than most.

    Yes i read this it that makes interesting reading although its a bit repetitive with 2 paragraphs repeated.

    I find noise a real headache. Noise has caused me untold problems in work when trying to concentrate. Interestingly though when I was studying…