• RE: Autistic “influencers”

    I watched a few of these YouTube accounts. I don't really get on with the term "influencer", however out of the people on YouTube I have seen, I haven't seen many who I've found particularly helpful and a few who I'm somewhat sceptical of. It's difficult…

  • RE: Relationship/Sex -My partner is autistic with PDA

    Just read your post. I cant say for sure whats going on in your partners mind as all autistic people are different but what he is doing chimes with some of my own experiences. 

     I have a very high sex drive and sometimes want sex very often, which suits…

  • RE: finding the nuclear option.

    It occurs to me the friendships in my life all fall into essentially one of two categories. The first are like fires. They occur with people with whom I share a lot in common. Similar interests, similar sense of humour, similar passions in life. We have…

  • Thinking of going into Nursing, with Asperger's worried I won't be able to manage the social side


    I think I have Asperger's, (self diagnosed, but backed up by a fair amount of evidence) I am looking to change careers into nursing (from lab based) 

    I know that I do care about people and I do want to help, and I love the idea of a career doing…

  • Called Lazy...

    So, the father of my boyfriend told my boyfriend today that i'm useless and that my sleeping habits have nothing to do with autism but being lazy.  So much for getting a diagnoses and aiming for acceptance ;) Well, anyway. I'm so called lazy cause…

  • RE: The Spectrum Concept

    Also truly are we on a spectrum at all in the true meaning of the word spectrum?

    used to classify something in terms of its position on a scale between two extreme points

    The implication that it is simply a line from mild to severe can do…

  • CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia/Lyme disease... or just plain old Autistic Exhaustion?

    It seems to me that many people I know who suffer from CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia/Lyme disease are also on the autistic spectrum. 

    On another thread it was mentioned that autistic exhaustion might present itself as CFS. And this is exactly what I have been to…

  • I need to go for a medical examination. Major Anxiety!

    Good evening,

    I'm looking for advice on how to survive a visit to the doctor. I don't like to be touched and have real problems when it comes to verbalising my needs and fears when talking to people, especially doctors whom I try and avoid as much as…

  • RE: Should I pursue a diagnosis?? Not sure.

    Hi Shay,

    The things you mention are certainly enough to suspect that you might be on the autistic spectrum.  Not definite, for sure, but enough to be worth looking into further.

    It's important to remember that the idea of an 'autism spectrum' is not as simple…

  • RE: Olypics Pah

    Like you, I have VERY little interest in the Olympics.  However, the way I see it is.......if they (the masses) don't see the world as I do, then at least they are doing something healthy!  EVERYBODY that is able to compete at the Olympics are (by definition…