• RE: A collective noun for people on the spectrum?

    A coven of witches.

    My favourite example of witches is from the wandering inn. There are probably better ones and I couldn't quite find the description in it that I was looking for but the following should some it up. Spoilers.

    A leafy bough lowered…

  • RE: What was your school like?

    I’ve read a few autobiographies by autistic authors, there does seem to be a pattern. My experience was similar to yours, one bully was the worst, I was his personal mission, the bullying just went on and on. Sometimes I took refuge in the school library…

  • No purpose

    Hi I'm new here.

    I was diagnosed with Aspergers when I was 10 and my life since becoming an adult is all over the place. I'm 26 in a week's time and I've literally got no purpose and no point. I'm here but I don't know what for. I can't work, I've…

  • RE: Mode of transport: car, bike, legs, magic carpet, teleporter?

    I test drove the Model S and they apologised for not having the latest software, and I said fine adn just drove it like a "normal" (but incredibly fast, at one point and delightful for the rest) car.

    It instantly cured my tendancy for late braking…

  • RE: Unsure of who is a troll and who isn't?

    The big issue here is can the new government get Brexit done in a manner that will not burn all our boats. I'm not yet convinced that Brexit is such a wonderful idea, given that it will inevitably involve sucking up to Trump's failed state. (But I have…

  • One bad apple doesn’t spoil the fruit bowl.

    Last topic probably from me. I will tell you a true historic story. We had a part time social worker, Mary, who worked in a forensic team at the Maudsley under a consultant called Paul. Paul had to take early retirement for having a relationship with…

  • RE: High pain threshold and explaining it

    I also have a high pain threshold and therefore struggle to communicate what I am experiencing at times, for example, when I tore my ACL I walked it off and could only state that ‘it just doesn’t feel right’, which meant my injury was…

  • RE: Hi to everyone

    Hi Plastic, Thanks for the reply. Sorting out the wheat from the chaff is what I aim to do. As a child at school at six I became top of the class then my writing became like a drunken snake.  I became nearly bottom of the class in most subjects. Could not…

  • RE: Muddling Dreams and Reality?

    Hi there evebody.


    1. About the apology for having waffled on alot about your problems; coming to terms with your feelings is not really something you need to apologise for - at all. And this waffling business you describe yourself as doing - none of…

  • RE: Holidays

    My Plans go wrong sometimes. 

    My failure to see round Donegal castle was unavoidable.  I was on a package coach holiday with the hotel in the town of Donegal and one free day.  The town was almost dead.  The castle was closed for two consecutive days per…