• My Awesomely Aspergers 11 year old


    my first ever blog post:

    I'm WINGING IT again. 

    I've given it thought and I think now I'll say:

    My oldest son has an Aspergers brain. There. *Long exhale of breath*

    He knows it. 

    Frankly, he tells everyone he…

  • RE: Imposter syndrome and difficulty researching things

    There is so much information out there, I find it overwhelming, having to choose how and what to look for, and then there is so much to read or watch.

    I use the followung approach based around the question "how do you eat a whale".…

  • RE: Frazzled Mum - 4.5 year old girl autism?

    Yes, All of these sound like the young autistic mind attempting to navigate a world they are a mismatch for! Sorry you are frazzled.

    The Autistic mind can be capable of great articulation, but once they have a PhD or equivalent. We can sense cause and…

  • RE: Diets and picky eating

    Hi, I can relate to this a lot- I’ve had phases where I only ate a handful of foods (eg only eggs, rolls apples and carrot) and I also had a takeaway only phase where I only ate pizza and tiramisu which was really awful in long term. I have ibs as well…

  • RE: Fairly new step parent to autistic child who keeps damaging my house

    Is this angry and destructive behaviour happening elsewhere, e,g, at school?  If so, it could be something like Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder for which you need to get psychological/psychiatric help. [https://www.supportincornwall.org…

  • A rant: Create a phone option that automatically tells everyone your ignoring calls because of burnout

    I just put my phone on "do not disturb" for 3 days straight because I was sick of people calling me to talk.  I have a life.  I need to accomplish activities of daily living.  I want to focus my energy on learning something cool.  I can't be stuck…

  • RE: Why are decisions hard?

    Hi! I can relate to this a lot! And I love routine for the same reason! I am terrible at taking decisions, though I do think that some decisions I find even harder than others (like picking between different job offers), but I find food choices on a day…

  • RE: Is it Aspergers or deaf related?

    Fascinating account that sounds like it puts you all in an approximation. The independent living & future outlook feels the bleakest with such an opting out. On the bright side this a type of 'silicon valley' no sense of time lifestyle evaporated from…

  • RE: Hello, just joined

    I too am terrible with eye contact - people who are used to me accept it but those who don’t know me well I get mixed responses from, some don’t care but others think I’m being rude. Sometimes I try to force the eye contact but it’s like hitting a button…

  • RE: 19 months old with autism signs?

    My little one now 33 months was very similar to your little one at around 19 months.

    in addition to the same description of your son.

    I also noticed he had a fascination with wheels - vehicle wheels, buggy wheels etc.

    he was a very good/quiet baby could…