
Hi, my name is Bree.

I'm new here and I would love to ask you about your experiences with masking as an autistic person, especially women and girls.

I mask pretty much whenever I am with any people. This is something I've been noticing more and more ever since I got diagnosed

  • I totally relate with this feeling when you start realizing it and feel the drain it causes. I keep wondering, how did I go through life before doing this all the time?

    I am not yet sure how differently people use the terms, masking and camouflaging, but I relate more with the later, meaning that I found great excuses for doing what I was doing differently. It works great with us women. 

    Since I found out more about autism and realized I'm autistic things have been different. I feel a steady change almost daily, and I feel very torn. I catch myself doing it and then I catch myself not stopping it and getting mad at myself or changing my behavior and feel weird about it. Do others feel similarly?

  • The term "camouflaging" is so interesting, I don't think I have heard it before, but I can definitely relate to it. I often need to find reasons for my behavior, so I can explain it to other people.

    I understand your frustration with not knowing how to unmask or change your behavior. I have experienced that, but often I just feel so proud of myself for the little win of doing what I want instead, of what I think others expect. I don't plan on stopping my masking, but the feeling of deciding for yourself might be worth it sometimes.

  • it is used in the masking episode of "Autism from the Inside" on youtube.

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