Autism and periods


I hope it is ok to make this a discussion point. I am pretty new to this forum but I thought this was a pretty important topic! 

I wondered if anyone else with Autism especially struggles with pre period and during their period and what you do to survive it?  

I personally find that during my pre period and period (especially the pre-period is hell) - my sensory overload occurs much more frequently, especially to light (I always struggle with sound but light particularly becomes problematic on period), it triggers me a lot more easily during this time. I also find that being in pain, means I have absolutely no means of focusing on anything other than the fact I am in pain. I also have a lot less capability to handle emotions and I just need to cry over and over during the whole thing. Although these are things I struggle with all the time, I just find that it is even more difficult depending on where I am in my cycle. I feel almost like a werewolf actually, its as if my pre period is me in werewolf mode and I lose a lot of control of my emotions, does anyone relate to that? 

I was curious to hear other people's experiences. I also wanted to know if anyone found anything that helps in relation to Autism and periods? I have tried to be more physically active with exercise which has helped, but I just wondered what others with a similar thing have done to help survive? It seems impossible to manage it, especially as it comes monthly!

Thanks, Al Slight smile

  • Hi, like Catwoman I'm also post menopausal but I struggled for years with pain too. I was different in my hormonal balance though, as for me it seemed it was oestrogen that was the problem (it also raised my blood pressure) So the answer for me was the depo provera progesterone only injection - which stopped my periods and all the pain and PMS.

    It's often a bit of trial and error to find out what works for you. 

  • I'm so glad I'm post menopausal, I suffered similarly to you. Do you have a sympathetic GP? Because it's recently been rcognised that some women suffer premenstrally much worse than others. I found hormonal treatments like the pill totally unhelpful, they made me worse. I always had sore boobs premenstrally, and then I found out that sore boobs are linked to a sensitivity to progesterone, including my own, so all the hormonal treatments were actually making it worse, not better.

    This is a bit off the wall, but have you seen an osteopath? I went to one because I'd hurt my back and after he'd worked on my hips and pelvis, my period pain practically disapeared.

    If you want to go down the natural route then I'd suggest a medical herbalist or traditional accupunture, in the mean time try chamomile tea as a calmative and fennel tea for cramps and nausea, they're both available from supermarkets for about a pound.

    I'm sorry I can't suggest more to help you, as I really empathise with you.