Books books books

Hey there 

I just finished a audiobook called Unmasking Autism by Devon Price. I really enjoyed it and this was my first experience of an audible. I struggle to read books as I find I read and then track back and read again, I struggle to concentrate and take it all in basically.

Is there a must read book that anyone can recommend for self discovering as a newly recognised autistic? 

  • Just started a new book by Luke Beardon. "What Works for Autistic Adults". Great read so far. Helping me with feeling a bit lost.

  • I have recently finished that book, Luke Beardon is great! Personally, I was a bit disappointed with this book in the series as I didn't think it expanded much on the content in 'Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults'. Also, a lot of the emphasis in 'What Works for Autistic Adults' was on what currently doesn't work for us in our society as opposed to giving suggestions of what does work.

    Once you have finished the book, it would be great to know what you think of it. 

  • I have recently finished that book, Luke Beardon is great! Personally, I was a bit disappointed with this book in the series as I didn't think it expanded much on the content in 'Avoiding Anxiety in Autistic Adults'. Also, a lot of the emphasis in 'What Works for Autistic Adults' was on what currently doesn't work for us in our society as opposed to giving suggestions of what does work.

    Once you have finished the book, it would be great to know what you think of it. 

  • So I finished Luke's book. Enjoyed it and due to my memory can't remember all of what he's said in his previous book. But I do know what you mean. The main thing I found is that I got to the end and thought, is that the end of the book as I was hoping for more

    Yes I completely understand what you mean, I thought the same thing. Like you, I am still a big fan of Luke Beardon’s work though. His next book will be about reasonable adjustments.

     I hope you find Neurotribes interesting. Just to let you know, given that the book covers the history of autistic people some of the content is quite upsetting.

  • So I finished Luke's book. Enjoyed it and due to my memory can't remember all of what he's said in his previous book. But I do know what you mean. The main thing I found is that I got to the end and thought, is that the end of the book as I was hoping for more. Still, I am a big Luke Beardon groupie - hands up to that. Next book (audiobook) to finish Neurotribes. Then will work through the others that I haven't read that are on this thread. xx