Exhaustion following meltdowns

I wonder if anyone can help.  I have started to notice that when my 17 year old daughter has a significant meltdown (diagnosed ASD) at the point where she manages to calm down I will see her eyes start to roll and within seconds she will be in a deep sleep snoring and head falling forward.  It is difficult to explain, the meltdown stops, in seconds she is snoring.  Is this a common behaviour following meltdowns?  Is this autistic exhaustion or something else?

  • I'm burnout just from interacting online everyday.

  • I feel that I meltdown every time I venture out.

    No wonder my head is sore, so often.

  • I had the jitters, today. Driving to and from Belfast is a right brain-fryer. And that was just scouring the edge of the city.

  • Yes that is possible. Fight or flight, something like that. If she only does it at those sort of times then it's probably nothing serious. Make sure she gets plenty of rest after having a meltdown, they are draining.

  • It could be the brain's way of shutting off to protect her from arming herself or anyone else and even the brain in the same way you pass out with too much pain or too much stress.

  • This has happened to me a few times. A normal but really unfortunate part of meltdowns for some people. Having a meltdown puts the body and mind through so much, it's absolutely exhausting, you burn out fast and need rest, lots of it to recover.

    There is also the possibility it's something else as well. So probably best to get checked by the doctor just to make sure everything is ok.

  • Fair enough, like I say, I’m not an expert, so as long as it’s not causing her to fall asleep in a situation that could cause harm, I wouldn’t be concerned. It probably is just exhaustion from the melt down.

  • Hi, no not really.  Her sleep has never been great as a child she would wake in the middle of the night and her anxiety would build until she had a meltdown and would then sleep, this would often go on for about 3 hours each night.  She has now outgrown that, but still has fitful sleep.  But in the daytime she doesn't fall asleep etc.. unless she has a very large meltdown and then it is as described.

  • I will reiterate what others have said, melt downs are exhausting and take a lot out of you both physically and emotionally, but taking what you’ve described very literally, it almost sounds similar to narcolepsy. I am not a professional nor an expert, but to me, that seems like a very extreme reaction. Does she exhibit any other sleep related issues?

  • Meltdowns are exhausting and when I've had them in the past all I have wanted to do afterwards is sleep. They physically and mentally drain you and when the adrenaline from being in the state of hyper-anxiety and stres subsides exhaustion just overtakes and you just want to sleep - well at least in my experience anyway. Others may be different of course.

  • I think it is quite common to be exhausted after a meltdown. A meltdown takes so much out of you, physically and mentally. It just completely drains you and its very traumatic so its natural to feel exhausted afterwards