Behaviour at School

Hi, my child is 8 and although quite happy to go to school she is a victim of verbal attacks regularly and at times it gets too much and she will react with physical contact. Yesterday I was asked to collect her because there was contact with an adult and a child. 

I feel that this was unlawful exclusion and despite having two meetings with the school to put a plan in place it seems that there is a lack of understanding and other teachers just have no clue on how to help when a meltdown appears and yesterday there was restraining and taking away her loops which resulted in her then making the physical contact.

I just don't know where to go with the school,I get no guidance from them and rarely any support from the ALNCo on what could make things better, I just feel they have no empathy with how others make her feel and how to help her in school and it has become too easy to call me to sort it out.

  • Thank you I have sent in a letter of concern and also spoke with Snap who advised I have done the right thing and to request an IDP.

  • I hear your frustration. I went though this when young. It sounds like a type of Provocation, and you might be able to get legal help on the matter. 

    Now, nearly 50 and years of understanding the socio-political psychoanalysis of our western 'culture', we are in a phase of humanity where civilised behaviour is deemed more lawfully appropriate than so-called 'barbaric' behaviour. And why wouldn't it be. From an anthropological standpoint, humans have (often) assumed their differently 'cultivated' presentations of what supposedly Proper and Educated, is a cut above animal-instinct. And so -Reason is how we redesign our Instinct. 

    In Modern times, the Pen is mightier than the Sword. If you're not acutely adept at welding words, it can be brutally frustrating to attempt to prove the injustice of another's barbaric contempt well-hidden in a shroud of words or secretive psychological power games. Knowing what's legal and how to play the game doesn't mean at my core I'm actually more civilised. The Junginan word for changing Internal instinct into civilised behaviour is "Transmutation", which he stole from alchemy, turning lead into gold. It is a nice analogy if I think about it. But it happens at a sub-conscious level. 

    I'm writing this down because it may help prove to the school what is happening and why this is just as cruel as kicking a child out of their wheel chair. 

    There are 2 parts to the Social Structure of Neurotypical children which can create a near-polarity for Autistic ones. 

    The first is the motivation to dominate in a social structure without even knowing it (children and grown-ups are encouraged to do so). The second is this command and execution of linguistics, which is specifically one of the few fundamental values that makes a child Autistic - this language difference. The difference in how we're 'wired' means we miss a great deal of Social-Programming, we then use words different, we are slower to mature because of it, we don't catch nuance in syntax and verbal structures, we don't catch the hierarchal structures, which is centred around language, and since we might use vocabulary for it's base function, rather than a symbolic expression, there is a great deal of miscommunication - for instance, the meaning of a word doesn't change for us, it's in the dictionary and often confusing when used in colloquial ways.

    The discrimination we experience for simply being wired in such a way that our Left-brain dominant peers are able to intuit their social 'world' IS the problem. We might share Monotropism and hyper/hypo-sensory differences with our ADHD friends and we might also have dyslexic executive function differences, it is, from my research, this difference in Language that makes autism unique. 

    Freud even noted this, as did many others. But there's a disconnect because of the Neurotypical bias. It's completely unimaginable this could be the case, simply because this Left-brain social and language "design" is hard wired and fundamental to one's entire being. Most cannot work out how someone can't not think the same and due to the -Typical socialisation and the core key fears/drives/motives which is part and parcel. Even the 'Rebel' are using something that appears autistic as Sport. A neurotypical will say I don't understand as a way to dominate and shut down an argument and 'win'. Or they'll dodge someone's attempt to socially dominate in a secretive sleight-of-hand 'magical' way. The problem, in a social structure which is economically competitive on an individual level, becomes the ability to differentiate between the autistic, who genuinely desires to connect or has no motivation for social hierarchal structures, versus, say someone learning to become a bit more sociopathic and claw their way to the top. Truth will out, but it takes some years to notice there's a difference. 

  • Hi , I am sorry that your child has been excluded from school. Please visit our online advice and guidance which explains more about getting extra help in school, assessments, education plans, reviews and school transport.  

    Extra help at school in Wales  

    Extra help at school in Scotland  

    Extra help at school in Northern Ireland  

    Extra help at school in England  

    If you require further support, you may like to contact the following organisations:  



    Northern Ireland  

    The Children’s Law Centre provides a free legal advice service and legal representation for children and young people.  

    The NI Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY) and their work is focused on making sure children and young people have access to their rights in their day-to-day lives, so they have the best opportunity to reach their full potential.  


    • Every local area has a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) that can provide information, advice and support to parents and carers of children and young people with SEND, including on exclusions.     
    • Independent Provider of Special Education Advice (IPSEA) is a registered charity that offers free and independent information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of SEND.  
    •  Coram’s Child Law Advice service can be accessed through their website or contacted on 0300 330 5485 from Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm.   
    • SOS!SEN offers a free, term-time, national helpline, staffed by a team of volunteers, to provide next step advice and support on questions and issues parents may have relating to their child’s SEN provision.  Their helpline number is 0208 538 3731  

    I hope these help.

    Best wishes,

    Anna Mod

  • I am okay i am making a comic with some class mates but we need ideas

  • It certainly sounds like an illegal exclusion based on information provided. I suggest you contact the local education authority education department (education welfare service or SEND section) and say you suspect an illegal exclusion and ask their advice. The Head Teacher will probably not be happy, but if you have already tried to engage them and nothing is working, maybe you need to escalate things.  You may also want to get expert advice from the NAS or another advice agency.