Autism diagnosis

I have been a self diagnosed autistic for a good 3-4 years now and have found recently that as an adult I am starting to struggle with things more and my symptoms have intensified. Despite many internal battles, I have completed the AQ-10 and have scheduled an appointment with my doctor this week to ask for a referral. 

I am really worried about this appointment as talking about it myself is something I find very challenging. Does anyone have an advice of how these initial appointments go with your GP? I have no idea what they are going to say and ask. I’m trying really hard to make sure I attend the appointment and try to get the answers I need. I’ve tried in the past and have cancelled as too scared/overwhelmed by the process. 

  • Write things down. Try to write about your autism traits and experiences in as logical way as possible. If you can, print out a typewritten version. If you find talking about things with your GP becomes too difficult you can always give them the sheet(s).

  • I find a run up to an appointment like that is always difficult. I've learned that I need to tell the GP (or other professional) at the beginning that I'm struggling with it, feeling overwhelmed by the demands of the appointment, and may need time to process questions before I can give answers. Personally I find that can relieve the pressure on me a little.

  • Hi and welcome to the community!

    I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling with things recently. 

    In respect of your upcoming GP appointment, I strongly recommend reading through this NAS article, which offers great advice about how to approach your appointment.

    It includes suggestions for what to take with you and provides a downloadable document that you can use to ask key questions of your GP. Other suggestions include having someone accompany you to your appointment, for moral support (if that's an option for you and might help):

    NAS - How to request an autism assessment

    It also explains about Right to Choose (RTC) which, within England, allows you to choose an approved private assessment provider via the NHS, if the waiting lists in your area are long and if you'd prefer to follow that route.

    Examples of some RTC providers are listed here, for example:

    ADHD and ASD assessment – Right To Choose  

    The NAS's diagnosis hub also offers a lot more information and guidance covering the whole assessment and diagnostic process:

    NAS - Diagnosis