The neurodivergence movement

It seems to be geared towards getting from the system that which the most able within the autistic community regard as desirable.

  • You may be right. I don't think it is intentional.

    The 'movement' when I have encountered it seems to be fuelled by youngsters with the enthusiasm of youth. It (a movement) has never happened before, so hats off to them, I personally see it as largely positive. I don't have a fully formed opinion yet because I'm "new" to the whole thing.

    What do you think that you would like to change about it?

  • Maybe you should put your bit in too FM? Let the youngsters do the campaigning for thier older neurokin, just make sure your needs are heard too. I would take my own advice if I knew how to contact this movement, like so many other things in life, I'd never heard of this movement, until I read your post that is.

    I think us older ones should definately get in on the act, they will be us in a few years time with all the problems about menopause, aging and possible dementia. They may even be happy to be asked?

  • Maybe you should put your bit in too FM? Let the youngsters do the campaigning for thier older neurokin, just make sure your needs are heard too. I would take my own advice if I knew how to contact this movement, like so many other things in life, I'd never heard of this movement, until I read your post that is.

    I think us older ones should definately get in on the act, they will be us in a few years time with all the problems about menopause, aging and possible dementia. They may even be happy to be asked?

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