The neurodivergence movement

It seems to be geared towards getting from the system that which the most able within the autistic community regard as desirable.

  • You may be right. I don't think it is intentional.

    The 'movement' when I have encountered it seems to be fuelled by youngsters with the enthusiasm of youth. It (a movement) has never happened before, so hats off to them, I personally see it as largely positive. I don't have a fully formed opinion yet because I'm "new" to the whole thing.

    What do you think that you would like to change about it?

  • You may be right. I don't think it is intentional.

    The 'movement' when I have encountered it seems to be fuelled by youngsters with the enthusiasm of youth. It (a movement) has never happened before, so hats off to them, I personally see it as largely positive. I don't have a fully formed opinion yet because I'm "new" to the whole thing.

    What do you think that you would like to change about it?

  • I don't follow any of this movement. Are you speaking about younguns on social media or the fact more people are opening up and talking about it? I can't help feeling some of it is lip service for places of work and others to say "yep we have awareness". 

    In understanding yourself you come to understand others. I appreciate neurodivergent folk have it tough. In an ideal world, it would encompass both ND and NT as we ALL have to get along with each other. I mean awareness works both ways.

    While awareness is a positive thing, It makes me a bit uncomfortable that people might seemingly be speaking on behalf of others without them knowing about it. We are a varied bunch and I am just myself. Does it include those who are autistic who have learning difficulties and live less independently? What about undiagnosed eccentric folk who just want a quiet life? 

    What I would desire is for people to understand my literal modes of communication in particular in formal settings. This will never happen with all the awareness and adjustments in the world because it's a fundamental difference.  

    The internet these days means momentum of movements is gained fairly rapidly. The squeakiest wheels get the oil! We live in a conspicuous society and so much these days are opinion pieces without drawing on any proper research or science. Autism describes how my brain works, I am a member here but wouldn't want to commit myself to any particular group.

    Sorry it was meant to reply to the OP.

  • Maybe you should put your bit in too FM? Let the youngsters do the campaigning for thier older neurokin, just make sure your needs are heard too. I would take my own advice if I knew how to contact this movement, like so many other things in life, I'd never heard of this movement, until I read your post that is.

    I think us older ones should definately get in on the act, they will be us in a few years time with all the problems about menopause, aging and possible dementia. They may even be happy to be asked?