Pssst, don't tell anyone but...

Come on guys 'fess up about all your secrets or not secrets but the things you don't do that everyone else seems too!

I haven't played a computor game since the late 1980's, I can't use a joystick or a controller.

I've never read Harry Potter or watched any of the films.

I don't like chips or fries.

  • It is through a genealogical DNA site called . It means that at some point, a huge number of years ago, a human ancestor of mine  and a Neanderthal - with a poor sense of direction,interbred. My father also has this marker,so it comes from my paternal side.

  • I don't know why the number 1 appeared in my message. Error.

    1. In my assessment I was asked if I like any smells that others don't. The answer was yes my dogs feet I love that smell. But I kept quiet too weird I thought. But actually was a perfect time to share. 
  • I get lost and still panic like I'm 5 years old and have Google maps so phew that saves me now

  • I can get lost near my house - sounds like we have this in common.

  • I can't get the swiping right on a smartphone so I use a senior phone instead.

    I've never driven a car on a main road. Never taken a driving test.

    I didn't learn to ride a bike ,until I was just turned 13.

    Even when more mobile I wouldn't go far from where I lived, because of my poor sense of direction and fear of getting  lost.

    I've never been able to do jigsaw puzzles,not even the ones  designed for children.

    I am probably the most  disliked/hated person to have gone to the public school  I went to.

    Very few stand up comedians make me laugh. Ricky Gervais is a smug b*st*rd.

  • I’ve never been very good at hibernation Blush …Chao [fades into the hibernation background]

  • Don’t you know the license plate number?

    With regard to my own car (as you know I don't presently have one) that's the point at which I usually realise.

    By-the-way, I'm not sure your form of hibernating is allowed under the official laws of hibernating.


  • Don’t you know the license plate number?

    I've also tried to get into loads of other peoples cars, not just mistaking my own for others, but my companion's cars for others.
  • I've also tried to get into loads of other peoples cars, not just mistaking my own for others, but my companion's cars for others.

  • I was out on a date once many years ago and due to my other problem with having a rubbish sense of direction, I thought my car had been stolen because I was looking in the wrong car park

    I've done that too Blush

    I've also lost my car in a car park and it had to be found by the attendants.

  • I have never liked the classic cartoon characters "Tom & Jerry". 

    This was a problem in my family, as many relatives thought those cartoons were great and super 8 movies would get trundled out on celebration days to entertain everyone with the antics of "Tom & Jerry".

    I could not understand what was nice, funny or interesting e.g. when one character bashed another character over the head, and then to demonstrate that fact, the afflicted character's head popped into the now distorted shape of a Blacksmith's metal anvil!

    A lot of the storylines seemed to be quite violent and with humour at the expense of others.

    Some unfortunate adult once tried taking the toddler-me to the cinema to see a "Tom & Jerry" feature ...Oh!  That outing did not end well!

  • I’ve noticed with this thread that there is a lot of overlap but also differences. I have a small essay on my laptop for the assessor. One thing I puzzle with is why I have absolutely no sense of direction, for over 30 years I drove coaches, eventually I was put only on school contracts and the same bus route. It was the only way of guaranteeing I would return. My wife has watched me come out of shops and go off in a random direction.

  • When I was doing my assessment, I kept on emailing them with random thoughts that I thought might help them assess me, There were loads - they were glad to see the back of me, I'm sure. And probably most of them just meant that I was crazy, not just autistic.

    Anyway, this one of yours made me dig out the email. I said...

    "I don't care about cars. People love cars. They are a tool. I often don't recognise our own car for a few seconds. I have no idea about other cars apart from maybe the colour and rough size. I was out on a date once many years ago and due to my other problem with having a rubbish sense of direction, I thought my car had been stolen because I was looking in the wrong car park. She said later that she was amazed because I was just “oh, well…” and not bothered."

  • I think it's a particular mind set that goes along with using or wearing brands rather than whats affordable and practicle. Although I did once own a Saab which I loved and still grieve for, a garage murdered it. You sat in it and knew it was built by Vikings for Vikings, I usually go for something smaller and comfortable.

    I've never been to a sporting event either and wouldn't want to.

    I have been to festivals and gigs, but they're all to big these days. I wouldn't want to go to the O2 arean or something to watch a band, its better to wait for the video to come out, you get a better view!

    I don't know what it is with me and chips, but they make me feel bloated, I can't eat a small chippy portion and whilst I'd eat them to be polite if someone made them for me, they're not something I'd choose to eat.

    Likewise the Big Bang Theory.

    I don't like modern cartoons the way they're drawn is to spikey.

    I do watch some reality tv, like Bake Off, Strictly and Pottery Throwdown, because it's real people doing something new or something they do as a hobby, I can't be doing with things like Love Island, I take one look at most of them and think they need a slap!

  • Cars.

    Why are they status symbols?

    They are just a tin can with wheels to me ...

  • Although, I did just watch House of the Dragon - for the dragons, exclusively. My confession is that I skipped the people bits! Dragon face

  • I have never watched an episode of ‘Friends.’ I just don’t find it funny.